
jiàn shēn yùn dòng
  • body-building
健身运动[jiàn shēn yùn dòng]
  1. [结论]核酸具有延缓衰老的作用。健身运动延缓器官衰老的作用

    [ Conclusions ] Nucleic acid capsule can resist aging . The Function of Body-building to Retard the Ageing Process of Organs

  2. 高校教师参与健身运动的调查研究

    The Investigation of Teachers'Participation in Body-building in Colleges and Universities

  3. 他们把自由体操做为日常健身运动的固定环节。

    They include the floor exercises as a regular part of their fitness routine

  4. 走路,如果方法正确的话,也是一种有氧健身运动。

    Walking , done in the right way , is a form of aerobic exercise

  5. 例句今日小常识滑冰是一项了不起的健身运动。

    Ice skating is great for fitness .

  6. 构建强大公共卫生体系,广泛开展全民健身运动,人均预期寿命再提高1岁。

    We will develop a strong public health system , carry out extensive public fitness activities , and raise the average life expectancy by one year .

  7. 由此说明健身运动的最大心率不宜超过180~195次/min。

    The article points out that it is no good exceeding 180 ~ 195 beats per minute of maximum heart rate for physical exercise .

  8. 以不同年龄段经常参加健身运动的中老年妇女为研究对象,在安静卧姿下顺序采集12个导联ECG。

    This paper took middle and old aged females of different age section as the research objects who took part into the body building movements regularly .

  9. 目的:检测太极拳爱好者在安静状态下的心率变异性(heartratevariabil-ity,HRV)范围,为进一步探索HRV与健身运动的关系打下工作基础。

    AIM : To detect the range of hear rate variability ( HRV ) at rest in shadowboxing lovers , so as to provide basis for the further exploration of relation between HRV and body building .

  10. 对长期健身运动对老年人RCD和E-CH的影响进行了实验研究。

    This study conducts an experiment research aiming to explore the effects of long-term fitness exercises on the RCD and E-CH among the aged people .

  11. 拉夫堡大学健身运动心理学专家StuartBiddle教授说道,英国现在很多人都进入了不运动和久坐行列。

    Prof Stuart Biddle , an expert in exercise psychology at Loughborough University , said a lot of people in the UK now fall into the category of inactive or sedentary .

  12. 由于中国的健身运动目前正在快速的发展当中,AFAA预期将在中国的许多城市提供培训班和证照检定。

    With the current fitness boom in China , AFAA expects that certifications and workshops will be offered in many cities throughout the country .

  13. 从1998年首届CUBA联赛至今,它不仅活跃了校园文化氛围,促进了学生的个性发展,同时还促进了体育与教育的结合,也为全民健身运动起到了积极的推动作用。

    From 1998 the CUBA league first , it is not only the campus cultural atmosphere , and promote the development of the students ' individuality , but also promote the combination of sport and education , and also for the nationwide fitness campaign played a positive role in promoting .

  14. 上海市社区居民健身运动量和运动方法效果评价的调查研究

    The Investigation and Research of Shanghai Community Residents Fitness ' Evaluation

  15. 健身运动是促进人类健康的有效途径。

    Fitness is an effective way of improving human being health .

  16. 普通高校体育课健身运动处方的实效性研究

    Effectiveness of Keep-fit Prescription in General Higher Institutes during Sports Activities

  17. 地方政府行为对全民健身运动的影响

    Effect of Local Government on the National Keep - fit Program

  18. 我的母亲又迷上了一种新的健身运动。

    My mother is on a good - health kick again .

  19. 健身运动的早期损伤发生率较高。

    The incidence of the injuries was high in early exercises .

  20. 冰雪健身运动在黑龙江省城市社区体育中的开展

    Development of Ice-Snow Healthy Activities in Community Sports in Heilongjiang Province

  21. 一起做运动。一起跑步或进行其它健身运动。

    Take exercise together , possibly by playing sport or jogging .

  22. 实施不同类型健身运动处方对大学生心脏功能的影响

    Effects of different exercise prescriptions on college students ' cardiac function

  23. 初中生健身运动处方的设计与应用

    Application and design of exercise prescription for junior high school student

  24. 由于2006年出现的裁判争议健身运动被取消。

    Bodybuilding was dropped due to judging controversy in the2006 Games .

  25. 健身运动处方锻炼对儿童心理健康的影响

    The Influence of Physical Exercise Prescription on Children 's Mental Health

  26. 结论:制定的健身运动处方可有效增强人体的心脏功能。

    CONCLUSION : The prescriptions we made can effectively improve cardiac function .

  27. 大学生个性化健身运动处方微机咨询系统的设计与实践

    Design and Practice for Individual Specialized PC Expert System for College Student

  28. 浅析健身运动促进老年人的身心健康

    On Sport 's Influence on Physical and Mental Health of the Aged

  29. 大学生健身运动处方实用软件的研制与应用

    Development and application of the College Student Fitness Exercise Prescription Application Software

  30. 学校体育教学要以培养跨世纪的人才为核心,转变学校体育教育观念,以体育健身运动为准绳,建设学校体育基本框架;

    Century talents , transfer the concept of physical education .