
  1. 对技巧运动员舞蹈基础训练的探讨

    Study on the Basic Dance Movement Training of Sports Acrobatics

  2. 有声乐、舞蹈基础且擅长钢琴伴奏。

    A vocal , dance and good foundation piano accompaniment .

  3. 声音有特色,台词功底好,有基本的舞蹈基础;

    Distinctive voice , dramatic speaking , fundamental understanding of body , dancing language ;

  4. 加强啦啦队队员的舞蹈基础的训练,与学校合作,建立从小培养的机制,解决啦啦队的生源问题。

    Strengthen the basic training of cheerleader in dance , and cooperation with school , and establish a mechanism that should be solve the matriculate problem of cheerleading .

  5. 对于有一定舞蹈基础的学员,我们的课程可以为他们提供正规系统的训练,从而让他们学会通过舞蹈来表达内心的美。

    For students with some dance background , our classes will help them improve on proper techniques as well as train them for expressing their inner beauty through dance .

  6. 一种以古巴民间舞蹈为基础的舞厅舞蹈。

    A ballroom dance based on the Cuban folk dance .

  7. 但体育舞蹈在基础建设和队伍建设等方面资金短缺,致使队伍发展不稳,对体育舞蹈的体制改革重视程度不够,宣传力度也不深,致使体育舞蹈水平较低。

    Nevertheless , it lacks the funds for its basic construction and team construction . Emphases are not fully laid on the structural reforms and propaganda of the event , Which confine further development of the sports dance .

  8. 但是目前壮族民间舞蹈在基础教育中进行传承的针对性研究还是空白,因此,本文就以中小学教育为切入点展开壮族民间舞蹈教育传承的调查和研究。

    However , at the present time , targeted research tradition in basic education level of Zhuang folk dance is vacant . Therefore , this thesis will treat primary and secondary school education as entry point to investigate and research the succession of Zhuang folk dance .

  9. 本章主要阐述芭蕾基训的练习是专业舞蹈技术的基础和必需课程。

    This chapter mainly elaborates the ballet basic training exercise is a professional dance technique based and required course .

  10. 然而,从癌症中康复,并有机会来见证人类舞蹈在统一基础上即将展开的新纪元和新文明,这是有可能的。

    However a recovery from the cancer and an opportunity to witness the unfolding new era and new civilization born for the human dance founded upon unity is a possibility .

  11. 课堂教学是舞蹈基训的基础形式。

    Clossroom teaching is the basic form in the teaching of basic dance training .

  12. 高度敏锐的动感是舞蹈感觉的真正基础;主观意识在规范和审美两个层面对自身动作的灌注是舞蹈感觉的核心;

    A keen sense of movement is the basis of dance sense , whereas consciousness of movement in standard and aesthetics is the core .

  13. 丝绸是唐代女性美的重要载体,是唐代官员服饰等级制度的重要形式,是唐代发达的舞蹈艺术的物质基础。

    The silk is the important carrier of the female beauty of women in Tang Dynasty . It also is the key formalism of hierarchy of official clothes .

  14. 舞蹈治疗在现代舞蹈的基础上发展而来。

    Dance therapy is developed from modern dance .

  15. 因此,要求我们在舞蹈教学中,必须坚持舞蹈基础为重点,突出美感教学。

    Therefore , the teaching requires us to focus on the dance basis , adhere to highlight the beauty of teaching in dance teaching process .

  16. 舞蹈感觉是舞蹈者在动感基础上当众自我审美意识对自身舞蹈动作灌注的能力。

    To sum up , dance sense is the ability of the dancer to exert self-aesthetics in public on the basis of the sense of movement .

  17. 舞蹈教育思想是在舞蹈教育实践基础上形成的对舞蹈教育现象与问题的认识和看法,其发展的历史是中国舞蹈教育史的重要组成部分。

    The dance education thought is formed on the basis of the dance education practice to recognize the education phenomenon and understand questions and views ; its development history is the important constituent of Chinese dance history of education .

  18. 在高职舞蹈教育中,基训课教学是培养学生舞蹈表演和舞蹈编导能力的基础课程。

    Basic training teaching is a basic course for training students ? ability of performance and dance director .

  19. 正确发挥舞蹈教育心理在舞蹈基本功教学中的作用,能全面夯实舞蹈教学的基础,形成教学核心,对培植舞蹈基本功教学法的根基具有重要意义。

    Giving a correct play to dance education psychology in the teaching of basic dancing skills can make a solid foundation and form the core of dance teaching , which is very important to the teaching methods of basic dancing skills .

  20. 中国传统舞蹈承载着我国传统的文化精神,是中国传统文化在当代身体中的显现,它是在中国传统民族舞蹈的基础上,吸收戏曲、武术以及其它艺术养分而形成的身体语言。

    As the embodiment of traditional Chinese culture in contemporary body , traditional Chinese dance carries cultural spirit of our national tradition , which is a body language formed by absorbing nutrient of opera , martial arts and other arts on the basis of traditional Chinese folk dance .