
shēnɡ rì pài duì
  • birthday party
  1. 她诱惑他来参加她的生日派对。

    She enticed him to come to her birthday party .

  2. 不管是去参加生日派对还是体育运动,除了需要看起来干净整洁,你更需要选择合适的装束。

    While you should look clean and tidy it 's also important to dress properly , whether you 're going to a birthday party or a sporting event .

  3. 我不同意。Leonard非常清楚地表示他不想要生日派对。

    Leonard made it very clear he doesn 't want a party .

  4. 为什么Mona邀请我们去她的生日派对

    Why is Mona inviting us to her birthday party ?

  5. 原来是因为Annie的妈妈不让她去参加周四晚上Sam的生日派对。

    Annie : My mother said I can 't go to Sam 's birthday party on Thursday night .

  6. Blair的生日派对是今晚吧。是的。

    Anne : Blair 's birthday party is tonight , isn 't it ? Nate : Yeah .

  7. 这就是在Theresa生日派对上所发生的情况。

    This is what happened at Theresa 's birthday party .

  8. Howard这两者的区别是…在地狱被冰封之前,.Leonard有可能享受生日派对。

    Penny : Howard , here 's the difference the possibility exists that Leonard could have a birthday party before hell freezes over

  9. 想和我一起去Clint的生日派对吗?

    Say , want to go to Clint 's party with me ?

  10. 不是非专业人士可以治愈的,可是尽管如此,我们还是要替Leonard办一个生日派对。

    that no nonprofessional can heal , but , nevertheless , we 're going to throw Leonard a birthday party .

  11. 1980年冬,生日派对迁往伦敦,在那里发行了两张精彩的专辑《火焰上的祈祷》(PrayersonFire)和《垃圾场》(Junkyard)。

    In the winter of 1980 , the Birthday Party moved to London , where it released two brilliant albums , Prayers on Fire and Junkyard .

  12. 对,不过随后你在Phoebe的整个生日派对上都盯着我的胸部谈话。所以我认为也许不是。恩。

    Rachel : Yeah , but then you spent Phoebe 's entire birthday party talking to my breasts , so then I figured maybe not .

  13. 6月24日,星期四,我在Lodo参加我好友Jason的生日派对。

    That Thursday , June24th , I attended my good friend Jason 's birthday party in Lodo .

  14. 新买的NanetteLenore准备在Jenny生日派对上穿的。gorgeous:华丽的美极了!哇!漂亮吧?

    Hazel : My new Nanette Lenore for jenny 's birthday - Icy : Gorgeous - Penelope : Wow - Hazel : Right ? -

  15. 当人们举办第一个生日派对时,父母毫不吝惜,Chung的家庭也毫不例外。

    When it comes to spending on a first birthday party , sky is the limit for most Korean parents , and the Chung family is no exception .

  16. 这个周末,我给孩子办了个生日派对,就在出门前往派对场地之前,我决定冒一次险——把昂贵的可换镜头“无反”相机留下,只带上8Plus。

    My kid had a birthday party this weekend , and just before leaving for the venue , I decided to take a risk - I left my fancy interchangeable-lens " mirrorless " camera at home , and instead took just the 8 Plus .

  17. 《一记耳光》(TheSlap),NBC,2月12日播出。乔恩·罗宾·贝茨(JonRobinBaitz)与丽莎·查罗登科(LisaCholodenko)担任制作人,这部剧改编自一部澳大利亚迷你剧,讲述一个后院生日派对失控后带来的后果。

    THE SLAP ( NBC , Feb. 12 ) Jon Robin Baitz and Lisa Cholodenko are producers of this adaptation of an Australian mini-series about the fallout from a momentary loss of control at a backyard birthday party .

  18. 我们将在本集中,PhineasFerb干扰他们的妹子,创造出一种特殊的计划他们母亲的生日派对,包括连一首歌。

    In this episode , Phineas and Ferb interfere with their sister 's plans of creating a special party for their mother 's birthday which includes even a song .

  19. 比如,安妮斯顿和她非常喜欢杜卡迪摩托车(Ducati)的丈夫在婚礼前扯了个大谎。据说,他们把婚礼用具藏在旁边的一个空房子里,没告诉宾客是请他们来参加婚礼,而是说参加泰鲁的44岁生日派对。

    Ms. Aniston and her Ducati-loving husband , for instance , tried a major head-fake before their ceremony , reportedly hiding their party gear in a vacant house next door and telling guests they were being invited to Mr. Theroux 's 44th birthday party , not a wedding .

  20. 他们要去朋友爱瑞卡的生日派对。

    They are going to their friend Erica 's birthday party .

  21. 我想邀请你参加我的生日派对。

    I 'd like to invite you to my birthday party .

  22. 好期待下个礼拜的我的生日派对啊。

    I 'm looking forward to my birthday party next week .

  23. 我的双亲上周为我举办一个生日派对。

    My parents held a birthday party for me last week .

  24. 广播说菲尔的生日派对在这

    I just heard the announcement for Phil 's birthday party .

  25. 人们在生日派对上常说“生日快乐”。

    People usually sing " Happy Birthday " at the party .

  26. 爸爸知道我周六的生日派对吧,对不对?

    Dad knows it 's my birthday party saturday , right ?

  27. 下次轮到谁办生日派对了呢?

    Who is going to organize the birthday party next time ?

  28. 苏菲也会参加卢卡的生日派对。

    Sofie will be coming to Luca 's party , too .

  29. 艾米丽她得去詹娜的生日派对工作

    Emily , who apparently has to work jenna 's party .

  30. 最近,里德一岁的女儿过了一个生日派对。

    Recently , Reid 's 1-year-old daughter had a birthday party .