
  1. 绿色生活提示

    TIPS FOR LIFE Green Life

  2. 上面的大部分内容都并不仅针对这台iPhone,更是对生活的提示。

    Most of the lessons listed here do not just apply to the iPhone , but to life .

  3. 该报纸提供了一些诸如紫外线指数、晨练指数、防晒指数、洗车指数以及中暑指数等简单易懂的每日生活指数提示。

    The paper provides easy-to-understand daily life indexes such as the ultraviolet ray index , morning exercise index , sun protection factor index , carwash and heat stroke indexes .

  4. 你知道你可以致富,过上成功的生活学习占星提示吗?

    Do you know that you can become wealthy and live a successful life learning astrological tips ?

  5. 宪法发展目标的设定、宪法精神的养成、宪法基础的生活化都提示人们要关注宪法发展的文化背景问题。

    The problem , such as to make sure the constitutional progress goal , to nurture the constitutional spirit and to make the basis of constitution lively , giving us the hint our that we should attach importance to the cultural background of constitutional law 's development .