
shēnɡ chǎn sǔn shī
  • production loss
  1. 煤炭地下气化生产损失的标定

    Demarcation of production loss during coal underground gasification

  2. 更严重的是,磨损到一定程度后会导致突然事故,造成不必要的人员伤亡和生产损失。

    More seriously , the abrasion to certain extent may cause accidents , then leads to casualties and production loss .

  3. 灾害条件下运输中断引起的生产损失估算模型

    Estimations on Production Losses Due to Transportation Interruption with Natural Disasters

  4. 尽管发了水灾,今年的农业生产损失并不严重。

    Despite the flood , the losses in agricultural production this year were not serious .

  5. 设备的故障停运维修,会给企业带来巨大生产损失。

    Failure of equipment outage maintenance , will lead to huge production losses to the enterprise .

  6. 为了保证产品的质量和减少生产损失,有必要对生产过程进行监控。

    It is important to monitor manufacturing processes in order to improve product quality and reduce production cost .

  7. 该模型综合考虑了修复性维修成本、预防性维修成本和生产损失成本。

    In this model , the costs of repairing maintenance , preventive maintenance , and loss on production are taken into account .

  8. 此款适用于瑕疵引起的任何损失,包括生产损失,利润损失和其他间接的损失。

    This applies to any loss the defect may cause including loss of production , loss of profit and any other indirect loss .

  9. 然而,承包方无须对生产损失、利润损失或任何其它相关经济损失承担责任。

    The Contractor shall however under no circumstances be liable for loss of production , loss of profit or any other consequential economic loss .

  10. 在制造行业中,机械设备的状态检测技术能提供关于设备运行状态的实时信息,为避免生产损失和减少设备的致命故障提供保障。

    Condition monitoring of machinery can provides real time information regarding machine status on-line , thus avoiding the production losses and minimizing the chances of catastrophic machine failures .

  11. 目前,药物治疗是控制奶牛乳腺炎的主要措施,但事实上,药物治疗的效果由于经济和生产损失很难令人满意。

    Currently , antibiotic therapies are the main controlling methods . Results of the treatment , in fact , are not very satisfactory because of economic and productive loss .

  12. 各亚区的主要风险源对风险受体的危害强度差异较大,干旱是共同的风险源,造成的农牧业生产损失最为严重;

    The hazards of main risk sources to risk suffer in each subregion was differently , drought was the common risk source and imperils farming and stock raising severely ;

  13. 近10年来,夏季大小洪涝灾害平均2年一遇,农业生产损失巨大,加之近年大宗农产品收购价格下调,种植传统的棉粮油作物效益下降。

    Flooding disaster happened often in last ten years , the lost was tremendous and the price of grain crop was reduced , so the benefits from traditional agricultural production was very low .

  14. 晋中东部是传统的农业县,种植业是主要产业,近几年的持续干旱使农业生产损失巨大,发展节水灌溉势在必行。

    Planting is the main industry in the eastern part of middle Shanxi where agriculture is traditional . But the agricultural loss has been very huge because of the continual drought in these years , it is imperative to develop the water-saving irrigation .

  15. 水是人类必须且不可替代的资源,我国北方大部分地区严重缺水,工农业生产损失巨大,生态环境日趋恶化;

    Water is prerequisite and non replaceable resources for human and short badly of in a majority of area in the north of China , which has resulted in enormous losses of industrial and agricultural production and the ecology environment worse off worse increasingly ;

  16. 北京城市扩展过程中耕地自然生产功能损失研究

    Production Capacity Loss of Farmland during Urbanization in Beijing , China

  17. 盗版是每年音像生产商损失一大笔收入的原因。

    Piracy accounts for a substantial amount of lost revenue to video producers each year .

  18. 猪的链球菌病是由多种溶血性链球菌引起的一种多型性疫病,已成为现代养猪业生产经济损失重要的疫病之一。

    Streptococcus suis infection is a kind of polytypism plague caused by Streptococcus suis which is now one of the most important factor on pig husbandry loss .

  19. 那么,如何查明、圈定煤层火烧区,减少生产的损失是摆在我们面前的重要课题。

    So , how to identify and define the area witch the coal bed has burnt down , reduce the loss of production is an important issue before us .

  20. 因此,国家和区域动物疾病监视系统不仅需要预防畜牧生产遭受损失,而且需要减轻对人体健康的威胁。

    Hence there is the need for national and regional animal disease surveillance systems to prevent not only losses to livestock production , but to reduce threats to human health as well .

  21. 大气中SO2浓度过高及酸雨的形成已严重影响了人体健康,破坏了生态系统,对工农业生产造成极大损失。

    The high density of SO2 and acid-rain are greatly affecting the health of human beings , destroying the ecosystem and damaging the industrial and agricultural production .

  22. 台湾番茄曲叶病毒(TomatoleafcurlTaiwanvirus,ToLCTWV)近年来在我国部分番茄种植区流行成灾,对番茄生产造成严重损失。

    In recent years , Tomato leaf curl Taiwan virus ( ToLCTWV ) has caused disease epidemics and heavy losses to crop production in several tomato-growing regions in China .

  23. 烟草马铃薯Y病毒病(PVY)是世界范围内烟草一重要病害,每年给烟草生产带来巨大损失。

    Potato virus Y ( PVY ) is a worldwide important disease for tobacco production , and cause great crop loss every year .

  24. 小麦蚜虫是我国西北小麦产区的重要害虫,除直接为害小麦造成减产外,由它传播的小麦黄矮病(BYDV),也给小麦生产带来严重损失。

    Wheat aphid is one of the most important pests in wheat region in Northwest China . It could reduce the wheat productions directly , and transmit the Barley Yellow Dwarf Virus ( BYDV ) to lead considerable losing indirectly .

  25. 植物病毒病给世界各地的农作物生产造成严重损失。

    The virus disease cause severe losses in crop production worldwide .

  26. 它会引起严重的生产和经济损失。

    It can cause severe production and economic losses .

  27. 而普遍发生的1龄蟹性早熟现象严重影响了其产量,给生产带来巨大损失。

    But sexual premature in larvae occurred widespread and influenced the yield badly .

  28. 然而维生素在配合饲料生产过程中损失严重。

    However , Vitamins ' loss is serious during the manufacture of compound feeds .

  29. 但柑橘绿霉病是柑橘果实采后贮藏运输期间发生最普遍、最严重的病害,给生产造成巨大损失。

    But green mold is its major postharvest disease and could cause big losses .

  30. 还有极端天气的出现,也造成了灌区生产的巨大损失,导致了粮食市场的不稳定,阻碍了经济的发展。

    The emergence of extreme weather also caused a great loss to irrigation production .