
  • 网络preliminary mining
  1. 矿块采准工程兼探矿变级在白云金矿的实践

    Practice of ore block preliminary mining design used as exploration gradation change

  2. 金川F(17)以东矿山采准方案选择

    Mine Development Plan Selection at the East of F_ ( 17 ) in Jinchuan

  3. 在破碎岩体中维护采准巷道的试验研究

    Experimental Study on Preparation and Extraction Roadway in Crumbly Rock Mass

  4. 采准巷道矿压与控制的技术发展途径石灰石矿山采准技术

    Development way of underground pressure and technique of preparation workings

  5. 动态规划方法在采准计划上的应用

    The application of dynamic programming in setting up mining and development plans

  6. 采准巷道综合支护工艺技术及应用

    Composite development - drift support technology and its application

  7. 采准巷道锚杆支护的研究与实践

    Research and Practice of Bolt Support in Preparation Roadway

  8. 采准巷道锚杆支护综合模型的研制

    The development of an aggregative model of bolt supporting in mining preparatory roadway

  9. 原苏联保持采准巷道稳定性的研究和实践

    The study and practice about keeping stability of development drifts in formal USSR

  10. 采准巷道支护分级的探讨

    A Discussion on Support Classification of Preparatory Workings

  11. 由此.相应提出了四种不同的采矿方法,并作了采准切割和回采工艺设计,以求使用先进的工艺技术高效率地回采矿体,达到最好的经济效益。

    A cutting and stopping process design is conducted to achieve good economic benefits .

  12. 光面爆破技术对不稳固采准巷道的应用

    Smooth Blasting Used in the Infirmness Preparatory Workings

  13. 综放开采采准巷道护巷煤柱稳定性研究

    Study on the chain pillar stability of the developing entry in longwall top-coal mining

  14. 松动圈理论在采准巷道修护中的应用

    Application of Loose Circle Theory in Road Maintenance

  15. 采准巷道支护与地应力场的关系

    Relationship between gateway support and ground strees field

  16. 裂隙破碎带中采准巷道掘进探讨

    Driving Development Entry in Cracked Crush Zone

  17. 采准巷道锚网支护技术经济分析

    The Analysis to Use Roofbolts and Iron Net Maintenance in Tunnels in Technology and Economy

  18. 金川二矿区大断面采准巷道快速掘进

    High speed drifting of development ramp with large cross section area in Jinchuan Nickel Mine

  19. 控制软岩层对采准巷道围岩结构稳定的作用

    Effect of soft rock controlled entirely on structural stability of preparatory workings ' adjoining rock

  20. 小煤矿复采煤柱塑性区特征及采准巷道支护技术

    Characteristics of plastic zone of second mining pillar and support technology of gateway in small mines

  21. 高应力软破岩采准巷道变形控制技术工程实践

    Practice of controlling deformation of preparatory workings surrounded by soft and fractured rock under high stress

  22. 易自燃煤层综放开采采准巷道支护技术研究

    Supporting Techniques of Preparation Roadway for Fully Mechanized Sublevel Caving in the Easily Spontaneous Combustion Coal Seam

  23. 针对小铁山矿西部矿体的特点,提出了脉内采准方式。

    In view of the characteristics of the western orebody of Xiaotieshan Mine , in-vein preparatory work mode was proposed .

  24. 生产准备时间短,采准工作主动,有利于实现强化开采。

    Present method can save time , and favorite the mining preparation being initiated at the right moment . Intensified ore extraction could be realized .

  25. 断层破碎带经常引起金属矿山采准巷道的垮冒,对围岩的稳定性造成严重影响。

    Fault fracture zone often causes the collapse of the straight work in metal mines , leading to serious impact on the stability of surrounding rock .

  26. 为保证采矿方法的顺利实施,结合矿山条件,研究了采准巷道的锚喷网支护技术。

    In this paper the method of shotcrete rockbolt mesh in preparation roadway , which ensures the effective implementation of new mining methods , is also studied .

  27. 多年的实践表明,合理布置采准巷道,巷道能服务到本水平开采结束。

    The many years ' practice shows that with a rational allocation of development way , the drifts can provide service until the end of the mining activity of this level .

  28. 同时,就这一思路涉及到的诸如合理采准布置、爆破致裂与破碎、溶浸液流动规律等关键技术问题进行了讨论。

    At the same time , key technical issues are discussed in relation to this thinking , such as suitable mining preparations , blasting breaking and crushing , and leaching liquid flow .

  29. 给出了房柱式短壁机械化开采工作面采准巷道布置、开采工艺、设备配套方案和相关技术参数。

    Continuous miner , continuous conveying system with MRS , meanwhile , giving out face arrangement , mining technology , equipments and other concerning parameters in mining mechanization of rooms & pillars .

  30. 笔者认为此种开采地质条件,适宜选用没有底部结构、无需形成空场、采准工程对矿体切割程度小、分散出矿方法灵活的采矿方法。

    Writer hold that it should choose the non-bottom structure , need 't to form stope , development project is little to orebody cutting , separating transportation ore and flexible mining method .