
  • 网络ore losses rate
  1. 从国内外众多倾斜中厚矿体的开采效果来看,总体呈现矿石损失率高、贫化率高、事故率高、效率低的特征。

    According to the exploitation effect of many inclined medium thick ore bodies at home and abroad , the overall characteristics are high rate of ore loss and dilution , inefficient , and high accident rate .

  2. 非均匀度与矿石损失贫化率关系的实验研究

    Study on the relationship between heterogeneous degree of loose body and the rate of ore dissipation and dilution

  3. 矿石的损失率与矿石的贫化率是矿山企业在生产管理中最重要的两项指标。

    The dilation rates and loss rates of mineral are two most important indexes in the management of mine enterprises .

  4. 避免了顶板千枚岩的过早冒落,改善了放矿条件,降低了矿石贫化、损失率,提高了爆破质量、改善了大爆破安全条件,取得了较好的技术经济效果。

    It is a good way to reduce the dilution loss of mining and improve the safety and quality of blasting .

  5. 根据胡家峪铜矿的有底柱崩落法实践,探讨降低矿石损失和贫化率的有效途径。

    The measures for reduction of oes losing and degrading are described based on the sublevel caving practice in Hujiayu Copper Mine .

  6. 结合我国盐类矿床水溶开采的实际情况,阐述了矿石采收率的计算,分析了造成开采损失的原因,提出了减少开采损失、提高矿石损失率的措施。

    Referring the situation of the solution mining for the salt mines in our country this paper discussed the calculation of mine recovery rate , analyzed the factor of mining failure , took a measure of decreasing exploitation losing .