
  • 网络mineral weathering
  1. 矿物风化度低,粘土矿物组成以伊利石,绿泥石为主。

    Their mineral weathering degree is relatively low and the clay minerals are mainly composed of illite , chlorite and kaolinite .

  2. 对酸性矿水、酸雨酸化条件下矿物风化的表面络合机理,有机配体的作用和速度限定步骤的当前论点作了介绍。

    The surface complexation mechanism of mineral weathering under the condition of acid drainage and add rain effects , the role of organic ligand and the surface reaction rate limiting step are briefly introduced .

  3. 结果表明,黄土中的Na+、Ca2+、Mg2+、Cl-主要通过快速的无机盐溶解过程淋失,而K+、SiO2的淋溶释放则与缓慢的硅酸盐矿物风化有关。

    The results showed that Na + , Ca2 + , Mg2 + and Cl - were leached mainly through fast congruent dissolution of inorganic salts and the release of K + and Si was controlled by slow incongruent weathering of silicates .

  4. RE也是植物改善根际营养环境的重要手段。RE可改善土壤物理结构,促进矿物风化,提高土壤CEC,影响土壤pH、土壤矿物表面吸附性能及土壤生物学性质。

    RE is an important way used by plant to improve its nutrient status in rhizosphere because RE could improve soil structure , cause weathering of soil minerals , increase soil CEC and affect soil pH , sorption properties of soil surface and soil biological traits .

  5. 在pH2.0的模拟酸雨淋溶下,红壤、黄壤、山地草甸土和紫色土中由矿物风化输入的5种阳离子总量分别为2.94、4.33、4.35和6.04(cmolkg)土,显著大于其它酸雨处理。

    At pH 2.0 , the estimated weathering inputs of the total 5 cations in red soil , yellow soil , meadow soil and purplish soil were 2.94 , 4.33 , 4.35 , and 6.04 cmol / kg soil , respectively , which is significantly greater than other treatments .

  6. 模拟酸雨淋洗下土壤化学和矿物风化特性的变化

    Chemical and Mineralogical Changes of Soil under the Influence of Simulated Acid Rain

  7. 微生物影响硅酸盐矿物风化作用的模拟试验

    Weathering of Silicate Minerals by Microorganisms in Culture Experiments

  8. 原生硅酸盐矿物风化产物的研究进展&以云母和长石为例

    Advances in the study of weathering products of primary silicate minerals , exemplified by mica and feldspar

  9. 尾砂中金属矿物风化释放出的金属离子在自然降水作用下缓慢向下淋滤。

    When metallic minerals of tailings have been weathered , metal ions were eluviated down slowly by rainfall .

  10. 低分子量有机酸是土壤中广泛存在的,它们参与土壤中许多化学过程,在营养元素活化、解铝毒和矿物风化等方面发挥重要作用。

    Low-molecular-weight ( LMW ) organic acids exist widely in soils and play an important role in soil processes such as mineral weathering , nutrient mobilization , and detoxification of Al .

  11. 尾矿库边缘区域尾砂粒径较大,金属矿物风化氧化速度较慢,要适当采取掺土改良。

    The tailings particle sizes are bigger in the edge of tailings impoundments for the rate of metallic mineral weathering and oxidating is slower , so it is necessary that tailings should be mixed with soils for improving .

  12. 认为就重金属成因方面应加强区分其主要来源是岩石和矿物风化的碎屑产物、大气降尘、人类活动等的研究;

    Then it makes the following suggests : in respect to the origin of heavy metals , efforts should be strengthened to distinguish the main sources from the detrital product of weathering of rocks and minerals , dust falls and human activities ;

  13. 一株丝状真菌对含钾矿物的风化作用研究

    Biological Absorpation and Degradation of Potassium Bearing Minerals by Thermophilic Fungi

  14. 土壤对酸沉降的缓冲能力与土壤矿物的风化特征

    Soil buffering capacity to acid precipitation and weathering characteristics of soil minerals

  15. 用硅作为指示性元素,研究了酸沉降作用下土壤矿物的风化特征;

    The weathering characteristics of soil minerals were investigated using Si as an index element .

  16. 微生物广泛存在于自然环境中,其与岩石、矿物的风化作用是最重要的地球化学现象之一。

    Microbes exist in various environments , and their effects on the mineral and rock weathering is one of the most important geochemical phenomena .

  17. 研究云母和长石等原生硅酸盐矿物的风化速率和风化产物对于深入理解土壤发生过程、营养元素循环以及全球气候变化具有重要的理论意义。

    Researches on the weathering rate and products of primary silicate minerals are of great importance in the explanation of soil-forming process , cycling process of nutrient elements and global climate change .

  18. 目前最大的挑战在于如何理解地表制约硅酸盐矿物化学风化的因素,特别是当仅仅从气候要素变化难以解释长时间尺度硅酸盐化学风化率的时候。

    How to understand the constraints on chemical weathering of silicate minerals remains a major challenge , especially when any single climatic factors have been proved hard to interpret the long-term silicate weathering rate .

  19. 元素的均一化能力受元素晶体化学性质、元素存在形式、矿物抗风化能力、气候、水动力条件及生物等因素影响。

    Intensity of elemental homogenization depends on the crystal chemical property of element , existing state of element , mineral stability resistance to weathering , climate , hydrodynamic condition and biological activity and so on .

  20. 西湖水中Ca和Mg元素主要来源于陆地原生矿物的化学风化,尤其是碳酸盐风化;Na和K元素则主要来源于海洋物质的叠加效应。

    Ca and Mg come from the chemical weathering of minerals , especially of silicate while Na and K are controlled mainly by oceanic material .

  21. 含镁硅酸盐矿物的微生物风化作用研究

    Studies on the Weathering of Magnesium-bearing Silicate Mineral by Microbes

  22. 采用高空间分辨X-射线成像技术分析细菌作用蛇纹石试样,从三维空间角度展现了蛇纹石矿物被细菌风化的具体过程。

    The three-dimensional image of high spatial resolution X-ray imaging displayed the specific process of the sample of serpentine weathered by bacteria .

  23. 对太湖现代沉积物进行了X射线衍射分析、粒度分析和常量元素分析,由此推断它们的矿物成分、化学风化程度差异,并分析了不同的水动力条件和物源。

    On the basis of X-ray diffraction , sedimental size and major elements analyses , we deduce the chemical weathering degree of sediments in Taihu Lake and illuminate the hydrodynamic condition and the source of sediments .

  24. 黑云母矿物具有的易风化性,为高喜马拉雅河流放射性87Sr提供了主要来源。

    The biotite is readily weathered and should be the primary source to the radioactive ~ ( 87 ) Sr of the High Himalayan rivers .

  25. 没有矿物所处的风化环境的详细记述,要详尽说明矿物的稳定度是困难的。

    It is difficult to specify the stability of a mineral without the specification of the weathering environment in which it is present .

  26. 生物无时无刻不参与地球表层矿物和岩石的风化,但以往的研究大多注重物理风化与化学风化作用,对生物风化作用关注很少。

    Although organisms always participate in the weathering of mineral and rock on the earth surface , much attention was paid to the physical and chemical processes , but little attention to the biological process in previous studies of weathering .

  27. 矿物的溶解和分解是矿物风化的重要过程,因此探明矿物的溶解和分解过程将有助于揭示其风化机理。

    Mineral dissolution is an important process in mineral weathering , and therefore the research on the mineral dissolution process helps to reveal the mineral weathering mechanism .

  28. 稳定矿物少,矿物成熟度低。碎屑矿物风化程度低,磨蚀不明显,分选较差,表明沉积物来自于近源,后期改造作用不明显。

    The sediments in the core are weakly weathered , lightly abraded and bad sorted , which is derived from near source and did not experience seriously transformation by ocean . The content of stable mineral is small and mineral maturity index is low .

  29. 利用XRD、粒度分析、土壤风化模拟试验等方法,对黄土区土壤有效硅含量分布、土壤机械组成、粘粒矿物种类及含量分布、土壤溶液pH值和土壤矿物风化过程中硅的析出规律进行研究。

    The content and distribution of available silicon , grain size , clay minerals in the soil , pH of soil solution , and silicon solubility in the weathering process were studied by means of XRD , grain-size analysis and simulating experiment on soil weathering .