
  1. 本文介绍了垂直矿体走向布置的上向分层尾砂充填采矿法新方案的特点及其在仓上金矿中厚矿体的具体应用。

    This paper introduced the new application of upward slicing and filling by tailing to the mining of medium thickness orebody of vertical trend in Chuang-Shang Gold Mine . The characteristics of the mining method were also referred to .

  2. F1断裂带是区内铅锌矿床的主要控矿构造,V1主矿体沿断裂走向分布,各种构造变形现象较为丰富。

    F1 fault is major controlling structures , and No. V1 ore body and some other ore bodies distributes along the fault strike , and which is rich in varieties of structural deformation phenomena .

  3. 通过多方面控矿因素分析,初步提出了下步找矿方向应为东南和北部沿矿体倾向和走向延伸的深部。

    Through analysis of multiple ore-control factors , the ore-prospecting direction was thought to be the southeastern and northern parts along the trend of the ore body extending to the depth .

  4. 近南北向断裂破碎带的规模及产状变化控制了矿化强弱及矿体规模,使矿体在走向和倾向上具尖灭再现,分支复合及膨缩特征。

    The near north-south crushed zone controlled the mineralization , the ore body scale and the output shape change and caused the ore body to pinch-out and branch .