
  • 网络Mining area planning;system dynamics
  1. 矿区规划的SD模型及其应用

    SD Model of the Coal Area Planning and Its Application

  2. 煤炭矿区规划环评生态承载力评价中存在的主要问题及对策探讨

    The main problems of ecological carrying Capacity of coal mine planning EIA and countermeasures

  3. 开展科学、合理的矿区规划和对规划进行战略环境评价是解决上述问题的根本方法。

    Developing scientific and reasonable mining planning and planning environmental impact assessment is a basic method of solving these problems .

  4. 如何做好矿区规划工作使其沿着可持续发展的道路运行,是当前矿业发展的一项重大课题。

    How to properly make mining area plans based on the sustainable development is a great subject in the mining industry development .

  5. 矿山道路工程是矿山建设重要工程之一,其设计是矿区规划设计的一部分。

    Mining roads project is an important one of mine construction projects , ang the design is a part of mining planning .

  6. 矿区规划是一个涉及面很广的课题,既受矿床、矿物本身特点的影响,又受矿山地理位置及其区域经济的影响,还受宏观经济、上下游产业等的影响。

    The mining area planning is a subject that is affected by the mineral deposit , characteristic of mineral , mine geographical position , regional economy , macroeconomics and the supply chain .

  7. 市场经济条件下的矿区规划与计划经济体制下的规划相比,无论在规划的目的、意义、原则,还是在规划的内容、方法上都有很大的不同。

    There are many differences between the mining area planning under the market-directed economy and traditional planning under planned economy in the purpose , meaning , principle , content , and methods of planning .

  8. 阜新矿区发展规划SD模型

    A System Dynamics Model for Fuxin Mining Area Development Programme

  9. 南山铁矿矿区资源规划可持续利用的探讨

    Discussion on the Sustainable Utilization in Minefield Resource Planning of Nanshan Iron Mine

  10. 基于可持续发展矿区总体规划的研究

    Research on Overall Plan Based on Sustainable Mining Areas

  11. 阳泉矿区分区规划实践

    Practice in zoning planning of Yangquan mine area

  12. 为矿区发展规划提供了决策依据。

    And the basis of decision for the developing programme of the mine district being proposed .

  13. 此外,为使矿区建设规划更为可靠,本文还对矿井建设网络提出了几点改进,设置了贯通节点和选择节点。

    In addition , some points are raised by adding connecting and selective nodes to improve mine construction network .

  14. 本研究为矿区矿井规划、通风设计、煤层气抽采利用和煤与瓦斯突出危险性预测提供参考。

    According to study for mine planning , mine ventilation design , use extraction of coal bed methane and forecast the coal and gas outburst harard .

  15. 同时结合实例,建立了黄陵矿区煤炭规划环境影响评价指标体系,并对指标体系的可操作性进行了分析。

    At the same time , with examples , the establishment of the Huangling coal mine planning environmental impact assessment index system , index system and operability analysis .

  16. 从煤炭加工工艺,选煤厂设计,矿区总体规划和煤泥性质等几方面提出了合理利用煤泥的一些措施、方法。

    Some of the measures and method of slime rationale use were put forward based on the coal processing process , design of preparation plant , general planning of mine area and properties of slime .

  17. 本文基于城市化进程中城市旧区相继进入更新、改造的时代背景,石油矿区在规划调整时期所面临的空间形态更新与挑战。

    Based on the background of extensive renewal and reconstruction of old areas in urbanization process , this paper discussed the renewal of spatial form and relevant challenges that petroleum mining areas confronted during period of planning and adjustment .

  18. 姑山矿矿区生态建设规划的探讨

    On Planning of Mine Area Ecological Construction of Gushan Iron Mine

  19. 资源枯竭矿区生态修复规划及其实例研究

    Ecological Restoration Plan for Resource-exhausted Mining Areas and Case Studies

  20. 矿区土地复垦规划计算机辅助系统的研究

    Research of computer aided system of land reclamation planning of mining area

  21. 矿区城镇布局规划的新观念探悉

    New Idea of Town Layout Planning of Mining Area

  22. 我国东部矿区土地复垦规划设计要点

    The key techniques of land reclamation planning in china 's eastern mining areas

  23. 矿区土地整理规划与设计方法

    Planning and Design Method of Mined Land Readjustment

  24. 系统工程理论在矿区生态建设规划中的应用

    Application of the Systematical Project Theory in the Planning of Mine Region 's Ecological Construction

  25. 浅述矿区土地复垦规划

    Land reclamation planning research

  26. 黄陵矿区家属区规划完善及闲置土地利用探讨

    Discussion of How to Improve the Layout of Apartment District and to Utilize Unused Earth in the Diggings of Huangling Mining Group

  27. 经过对原有和新建矿区城镇布局规划的分析与研究,提出矿区城镇规划必须坚持以人为本,走可持续发展道路。

    This paper analyzes and study new and old town layout planning , raises that mining planning take people as the dominant factor and make sustained development way .

  28. 开展矿区用地规划研究,目的是探寻一条在开采煤炭资源的同时保护利用好土地资源的良性循环之路。

    The aim of studying on land use planning is to develop a way to protect and make full use of land with good circulation while exploiting coal resources .

  29. 在水泄地区进行实验研究,取得较好的效果,并在未知矿区圈定了远景规划区,为进一步的探矿打下了基础。

    We got a good effect through experiments on known orebody in the area of Shixie and got important information for predicting hidden ore deposits in Shixie for further exploration .

  30. 按枣庄矿区十年发展规划,未来十年矿区煤炭产量将达到1800万t,矿区自营铁路煤炭外运将突破1000万t。

    According to Zaozhuang mining area development plan for ten years , its coal yield will come to 18 million tons within the next ten years , and its self - supported railways transport capacity will increase to 10 million tons .