
  • 网络mine production capacity;mine capacity
  1. 台阶高度对矿山生产能力影响初探

    Preliminary discussion on the effect of bench height on mine production capacity

  2. 结合中段运输系统改造,设计了适合杨树金矿床开采条件的下盘双运输巷道系统以及“V”形工作面推进全面采矿法,解决了制约矿山生产能力的运输和采矿方法等问题。

    Combining with the midsection haulage system reformation , the " V " type working face overall mining method , which draws ore from the bottom of footwall circle haulage laneway , is proposed .

  3. 浅析黄金矿山生产能力核定

    Analysis of the checking and ratifying of productive capacity of gold mine

  4. 采用盘区和分区开采以提高矿山生产能力

    Increasing the mine productivity by panel and zone mining

  5. 矿山生产能力的灰色预测

    Grey prediction of mining productivity

  6. 黄金矿山生产能力的核定,是黄金行业面临的一个崭新课题。

    To check up and ratify the productive capacity of gold mine is a new question for study .

  7. 矿山生产能力以不超过1000吨/日为宜。

    And it is better to limit the min - ing capacity to below 1000 ton / day .

  8. 缓倾斜极薄矿脉的开采存在的共同难题是矿山生产能力低,回采难度大。

    The common problems existing in the exploitation of flat-dipping thin ore-bodies are that the production capacity is lower and the recovery is difficult .

  9. 为了充分回收矿产资源,稳定矿山生产能力,延长服务年限,对上部中段所留下的残矿进行露天开采。

    For the purpose of recovering mineral resources , stabilizing the mine producibility , prolonging the service time , the remained ore carried on open-pit mine .

  10. 为满足矿山生产能力从3000t/d扩大为4000~4500t/d,必须立足于提高采矿装备水平,提高采场生产能力。

    To meet the productivity need from 3000t / d to 4000 ~ 4500t / d of the whole mine , it is necessary to increase the variety and the technical performance of mining equipment and the productivity of the stope .

  11. 影响矿山挖掘机生产能力的因素及其提高途径

    Factors of Impacting Excavator 's Output in the Mine and the Way of Improvement

  12. 矿山的生产能力越大,开采出的矿石越多,其对当前资源供给的保证能力就越强;

    The larger the mine production capacity is and the more the ore mined is , the stronger its support capacity to the current resource supply will be ;

  13. 针对矿山安全生产能力具有复杂性、模糊性、多样性和渐变性的特征,采用模糊综合评价方法建立模糊数学模型对矿山安全生产能力进行评价。

    Mine safe production capability is complex , fuzzy and gradually variable . Fuzzy comprehensive evaluation method is applied in building fuzzy mathematic model to evaluate mine safe production ability .

  14. 总之,本次研究完成了预定目标,提高了矿山的生产能力和生产强度,增加了生产效率,为金川龙首矿的稳产提供了坚实的保障,也对其他矿区或类似矿山的生产提供了参考。

    In conclusion , this study have finished intended target , improved production capacity 、 production intensity and efficiency , and guaranteed its stable output , providing reference for other similar ores .

  15. 如何以尽可能少的设备,通过优化配置来实现矿山的设计生产能力,这无论是对已开采的矿山还是对新建矿山,都是一个值得深入研究的问题。

    It is importance to a digging mine or a newly-built mine how to use mining machinery as less as possible to realize the design capacity of a mine by optimal fitting .

  16. 矿山建设加快,生产能力提高,但仍然不能满足日益增长的市场需求。

    Although the total capacity reached record high due to the new mines construction were accelerated , the production can not satisfy the increasing demand of the market .

  17. 铜矿峪矿作为国内第一个成功引进自然崩落法技术的有色金属矿山,提高了矿山生产能力,降低了生产成本。

    As the first successful introduction of natural caving method in domestic nonferrous metal mine , Tongkuangyu Mine increases production capacity and reduces production costs .

  18. 本文根据矿山连续4年以上的生产能力,建立该矿山的以后年份的矿山生产能力灰色预测的数学模型,经过验证,该模型是正确的、有效的。

    Based on productivity data in a duration of 4 continuous years , a mathematic model for grey prediction of mining productivity is established in a limestone ore mine in Sichuan province . The mathematic model has proved correct und effective .

  19. 在矿山地质调查的基础上,建立矿山安全生产能力数据库。在单一因素评价的基础上进行多因素的模糊综合评价,为矿山安全生产科学决策提供的依据。

    Based on the geological investigation of mine , mine safe production ability database is built , on the basic of single factor evaluation , multi factors are applied in fuzzy comprehensive evaluation , which can provide scientific division for mine safe production .