
lì jǐnɡ
  • shaft
  1. 立井的深度为520码。

    The depth of the shaft is 520 yards

  2. 立井冻结深度435m的开凿

    Freezing Shaft Sinking with Freezing Depth of 435m

  3. 立井4m深孔爆破参数研究及应用

    Studies on the Blasting Parameters of 4m-Longhole of the Vertical Shafts and Its Application

  4. 立井40t大型箕斗的研制

    Development and manufacture of the 40t-large skip

  5. 利用TCK钢丝绳无损探伤装置检测立井在用钢丝绳技术

    Examination of the TCK Steel Wite Lossless Crack Detection Installment on the in-service Steel Wires in Vertical Shaft

  6. 结合工程实例,提出了500~600m条件下冻结段立井井壁施工方法。

    The article integrated example of engineering , put forward the construction method of cenote sidewall 's freezing crust under 500 - 600 meters .

  7. 利用组合技术对KNN算法进行改进,并将其应用于煤矿立井井筒非采动破裂的预测。

    Improved KNN algorithm by using the combination technology , and applied it to the forecast of non-mining fracture of shaft-lining of mine .

  8. LJ-2型立井信号及自动装载系统设计

    Design of Signal and Automatic Loading System for LJ-2 Vertical Shaft Hoister

  9. 针对550~700m巨厚冲积层中煤矿立井井筒的支护难题,提出采用钢筋钢纤维高强混凝土的井壁结构。

    Aiming at the difficult problem of reinforcement for coal mine shafts in the deep alluvium of 550 ~ 700 m , the steel fiber reinforced high strength concrete shaft lining is proposed .

  10. 施工中采用机械化配套施工工艺和成熟先进的立井短段掘砌混合作业方式,严格管理、科学施工,2003-04-01~2003-04-30实现基岩掘砌月成井202m,工程质量全优。

    In the construction , mechanical and advanced well digging way are used , strict , management and scientific construction , realize digging rock 202m in April , 2003 .

  11. 为研究山东省巨野矿区埋深近700m的巨厚土层中煤矿立井水平地压大小计算方法,本文自行设计了最大固结压力可超过20MPa的高压K0蠕变试验系统。

    The high pressure creep equipment was designed to study the horizontal ground stress of shaft lining in Juye mine area of Shandong province where the thickness of alluvium was nearly 700 m. The maximum consolidation pressure of the equipment could exceed 20 MPa .

  12. 目前MJY系列整体移动金属模板在立井砌壁施工中得到广泛应用,本文总结了立井砌壁金属模板的加工工艺,根据此工艺可有效提高金属模板的加工质量。

    Currently MJY series overall mobile metal templates wall construction in standing well once widely applied , this article summarizes manufacture technics metal templates in the standing well construction , according to the processes can effectively improve the quality of the metal template processing .

  13. 加快立井普通法施工速度的途径

    Ways of Raising Sinking Rate in Vertical Shaft with Conventional Method

  14. 立井基岩段井壁设计问题的研究

    Study of walling design in base rock segment of vertical shaft

  15. 表土沉降阶段煤矿立井井壁破裂应力分析

    Rupture stress of shaft wall in mine due to ground subsidence

  16. 浅谈立井井筒装备一次成型法施工

    Talking about the construction of shaft equipment forming in one time

  17. 暗立井深孔爆破一次成型技术

    The Single Shot Shaping Technique of Deep-hole Blasting in Staple Shaft

  18. 新兴煤矿立井绞车低频控制系统改造

    Reformation of Shaft Winch Low-frequency Control System in Xinxing Coal Mine

  19. 玻璃钢梯子间在古山立井的应用

    Application of glass fiber reinforced plastic ladder way in Gushan shaft

  20. 立井冻结法信息化施工系统的研究及应用

    Research and Application on Informationized Shaft Construction System of Freezing Method

  21. 双容器立井提升过卷高度的动态分析

    Dynamic Analysis for Overwind Height of Double Casket about Shaft Hoisting

  22. 千米立井深孔爆破技术及工艺

    The Dynamiting Technique in the Deep Hole of Kilometer Vertical Well

  23. 立井光面爆破轴向不偶合系数研究

    Research on axial decoupling coefficients of smooth blasting in vertical shaft

  24. 一个立井基岩垮塌事故剖析

    Analysis on the accident of the bedrock failing of a shaft

  25. 立井延深中硬岩爆破参数的优化设计

    Optimum design of middle hard rock blast parameters during shaft extending

  26. 研究了表土段立井井壁的破裂情况;

    Fracture accidents of vertical shaft lining in aquifer are introduced .

  27. 立井揭穿突出危险煤层安全技术的研究

    Research into Openning the Outburst-hazard Coal-bed by Sinking the Vertical Well

  28. 立井罐道测试方法浅析

    Brief analysis on test method for cage guide in mine shaft

  29. 采空塌陷区立井井壁结构的研究与设计

    Research and design of shaft lining structure in mining subsidence area

  30. 深立井小型摩擦轮提升机电动机的选型

    Motor Selection of Small Friction Pulley Hoist for Deep Mining Shaft