
  • 网络site conditions
  1. 不同立地环境下古樟生长姿态各不相同。

    Meanwhile , the ancient C. camphora vary in growth posture under different site conditions .

  2. 同时,选择不同立地环境条件进行栽培适应性试验。

    At the same time , the adaptability in cultivation of Idesia palycarpa Maxim was experimented in different site conditions .

  3. 相思树种在沿海沙质立地环境中的抗逆性研究

    The Study on Stress Resistance of Acacia Tree Species in Coastal Sandy Site

  4. 居群内性状的变异程度与立地环境条件的分化程度一致;

    The character variation measure in populations correspond to that of the environment .

  5. 通过改变模型中的参数,本方法可用于任何立地环境中去。

    The model can be used in any site by changing parameters in the model .

  6. 本文探讨了立地环境因素与蓝桉、直干桉人工林地下害虫种类、分布及危害程度的关系。

    This paper discusses the relations between the site factors and the species of subterranean pest of Eucalyptus globulus and E.

  7. 植被恢复重建规划时,必须充分考虑特定立地环境条件下潜在生物量的制约,而不是盲目地选择不适宜的物种。

    When restoring and reconstructing vegetation , we must consider the potential biomass restriction under specific site conditions , rather than choose blindly unsuitable species .

  8. 在不同立地环境条件下山桐子的生长适应性不同,地形、海拔对其生长影响不大,在盐碱地不适宜栽培;

    The growth adaptation varies with different site conditions , topography and altitude has little effect on its growth , but the growth in alkali land is not good .

  9. 其次针对济南城市立交桥独特的立地环境,通过耐阴实验和特尔斐专家评价法,选择出适合济南市城市立交桥环境的绿化植物种类。

    According to jinan city flyover special site environment , by Yin resistance test and Delphi expert evaluation method , choose the suitable environment of jinan city flyover greening plants .

  10. 影响古樟生长的原因主要有自然灾害、病虫害危害以及立地环境的改变等。

    Thus , natural calamity , pests and diseases , a change of natural environment etc. were the main reasons that can affect the growth of ancient C. camphora . 2 .

  11. 本文概述了江西野生观赏植物资源状况及庐山植物园乡土观赏灌木园的立地环境、建园目的与造景意境;

    This paper introduces the resources of native ornamental plants in Jiangxi province , the natural environment , the artistic conception and the purpose of the establishment of the native bush garden in Lushan Botanical garden .

  12. 树木的生长与立地环境密切相关并受气候变化的影响,树木年轮稳定碳同位素作为反映气候与环境变化的一个重要参数,已被广大生态学家所重视并应用。

    The growth of trees is closely relative to the environment and is influenced by the climatic changes . As an important parameter to show the climatic and environment changes , tree-ring stable carbon isotope has been paid more attention and applied by lots of ecologists .

  13. 在对浙江省内陆地区立地自然环境特征及分异规律进行分析的基础上,将内陆立地区划分为7个立地类型区、14个立地类型组和27个立地类型。

    On the analysis of the region differing law of the natural geographical conditions , the inland region of Zhejiang Province was divided into 27 site types 14 site type groupes of 7 site type districts .

  14. 在陕西省棉花区划研究的基础上,运用Landsat-5TM遥感影像,并结合气候、土壤、水文及农业生产实际资料,对关中棉花立地生态环境进行了综合评价。

    The comprehensive evaluation of ecological environment of cotton growth area in Guanzhong was conducted based on the study on cotton division in Shaanxi with the application of Landsat & 5 TM remote sensing image and the links with climate , soil , hydrology and agricultural production .

  15. 3个δ13C序列的差异主要由树木立地处局部环境条件的差异引起。

    The difference of the environment condition at different site resulted in the individual difference of the three δ ~ ( 13 ) C annual series .

  16. 土壤、气候和立地因子等环境因子影响树木外生菌根菌的种类及数量。

    The species and the number of Ectomycorrhizal fungi ( ECM fungi ) are influenced by many environmental factors , such as soil factor , climate and season , and site factor .

  17. 森林立地分类和质量评价是掌握林场内森林生长的立地环境及其对立地上的植被和植被生产力的影响的主要途径之一,它在林业生产中有十分重要的意义。

    Classify and evaluate forest site is one of the important methods to grasp forest growing environment and productivity , which are very important in forestry production .