
lì fǎ jiān dū
  • supervision of legislation
  1. 论功能的比较&以立法监督制度为例

    On Functional Comparison & Take supervision of legislation system as example

  2. 这种保障机制通常包括四个方面:立法程序保障、立法监督机制、立法人员的言论及行为免责权、议事自律与惩戒机制。

    The guarantee mechanisms normally include the following four aspects : the legislative process as a guarantee system , the supervision of legislation , the right of exempting from duties for comments and conduct of legislative staff , the rules of self-discipline and punishment in the congress .

  3. 目前我国行政立法监督机制探讨

    Probe into Administration 's Legislative Supervision Mechanism of Our Country at Present

  4. 论我国立法监督制度之完善

    On the Improvement of Legislative Supervision System of Our Country

  5. 土地划拨不需要任何立法监督,也不会被计入支出。

    Land allocations require no legislative oversight . Nor are they accounted for as expenditure .

  6. 西方立法监督理论的演进

    The Evolution of Western Legislative Supervision Theory

  7. 正式行动的立法监督

    A. legislative oversight by formal action

  8. 军事立法监督研究

    On Supervising the Martial Legislation

  9. 执行立法监督的结论,需要有主体来实现。

    Implementation of the conclusion of the legislative oversight is the need for the principal to achieve .

  10. 但由于种种主客观原因,我国立法监督仍然存在不少缺陷和不足。

    But the legislative supervision system still has some defects and shortcomings due to certain subjective and objective reasons .

  11. 我国应当加大立法监督,使无固定期限劳动合同制度真正发挥其作用。

    When the increased legislative oversight , so that no fixed term labor contract system truly play its role .

  12. 论文介绍美德立法监督制度,并分析其异同。

    This paper deals with the American and German legislative supervision systems and analyzed their common aspects and differences .

  13. 强化以流域为单元的水资源行政管理和立法监督,促进水资源合理配置和优化调度;

    To enhance wa-ter administration and legislation taking a specific drainage basin as a unit for the rational allo-cation of water ;

  14. 有了责任,就有救济措施,这样才能真正保证立法监督结论的实现与执行。

    With responsibility , there are relief measures , in order to truly ensure the implementation and execution of legislative oversight findings .

  15. 随着各地图书馆法规的纷纷出台,地方图书馆的立法监督显得尤其重要。

    With the publication of various local laws and regulations for library , the supervision of the legislation for local library seems special important .

  16. 这就要求建立起立法监督、司法监督、社会舆论监督的全方位监督机制。

    It is require that our country to establish a comprehensive supervisory mechanism in the fields of legislative , judicial and social public opinion .

  17. 欧美法律社会学的历史演进及不同特点美德立法监督制度比较

    Historical Development and Characteristics of Sociology of Law in Europe and United States A Comparative Study of Legislative Systems in the United States and Germany

  18. 因此,重新审视我国行政立法监督机制并将其完善,就成为行政法学界的一个重要课题。

    Therefore , scanning our mechanism on supervision of administrative legislation again and improving it becomes an important topic in the educational world of administrative law .

  19. 作为现代政府履行社会管理职能的一种重要手段,行政立法监督制度的完善与否在很大程度上决定了行政立法的质量。

    As an important means of performing social management functions for modern governments , the supervising system of administrative legislation is closely related to the quality of administrative legislation .

  20. 除此以外,我国应不断完善相关法律制度,如立法监督,明确合同最长期限和续订次数等,同时提高立法技术,促使我国劳动关系向和谐、稳定的方向发展。

    In addition to In addition , China should continue to improve the relevant legal system , improve the legislative technique , led to our working relationship Harmonious and stable direction .

  21. 国外在地方行政立法监督方面已为我们提供了多种模式和丰富的经验。但是,必须根据我国的国情,选择适合我国的监督模式。

    Foreign country has provided us many models and abundant experience in the field of supervision of local administrative legislation , but we must choice appropriate ways according to national condition .

  22. 监督结论的执行中有权利自然就要承担应有的责任,实现权利责任的对等,也是对行使立法监督的一种限制与再监督。

    Supervision and implementation of the conclusions have the right to natural we should shoulder the responsibility , on the rights and responsibilities is also a limitation on the exercise of legislative oversight and supervision .

  23. 实施地方立法监督的方式和手段主要包括批准、备案、审查和清理,并以撤销权为保障措施,有效保证立法监督的真正实现。

    Ways and means of implementation of the local legislative oversight to include approval of record review and clearance and to revoke the right to protection measures effectively to ensure the real implementation of the legislative oversight .

  24. 为保证其有效落实,除了税务行政机关的自行约束外,还必须进行有效的控制和监督,如:立法监督、行政监督、舆论监督、司法审查等。

    To ensure to be carried out effectively , we must also have effective control and supervision other than taxation administrative organ 's self-restriction , such as legislative supervision , administrative supervision , public-consensus supervision and judicial review etc.

  25. 备案既是立法监督的一个重要环节,也是立法过程的一个必经阶段,让备案审查成为法规、规章和规范性文件制定程序中的最后一道防线。

    Keeping of file is an important chain ; meanwhile , it is also a necessary stage of legislation , which should be the last line of defense in the procedure of making laws , regulations and regulatory documents .

  26. 但现实情况中法律规定的稀少与缺失,使立法监督特别是地方立法监督程序的实施缺少可参照的依据,影响了立法监督的有效实施。

    But the law in the reality scarce and the lack of legislative supervision in particular is the implementation of the local legislative oversight procedures , the lack of a reference point , affecting the effective implementation of the legislative oversight .

  27. 首先,从社会管理角度出发,提出了加强立法监督和技术规范,鼓励行业自律等措施,使网络舆情为社会管理更好的服务。

    First of all , from the perspective of social management , proposed to strengthen legislative oversight and technical specifications , encourage industry self-regulation and other measures , the network management of public opinion for the community to better the service .

  28. 为符合法治精神的要求,树立法律在社会生活中的权威地位,还应当建立、健全立法监督机制,维护法律体系的协调、统一;

    In order to accord with the demands for spirit governed by law , establish the authoritative position in social life of law , should also set up , perfect legislative supervision mechanism , safeguard the coordination , unity of the legal system ;

  29. 第四部分是立案监督制度的完善,主要是通过树立正确的立法监督理念、完善立法、强化立案监督执行等方面,从立法和司法层面完善我国立案监督制度。

    The fourth part is the complete case registration and inspection system , mainly through a correct concept of legislative oversight , improve legislation and strengthen the supervision of the implementation of such filing , the sound level from the legislative and judicial supervision system of filing .

  30. 主张完善我国中央对地方立法监督制度,应当实现从主动审查到主动审查与被动审查并存、以被动审查为主的转变,并在被动审查中采用审判程序或听证程序。

    The author points out that , to improve our legislative supervision system , active review system should be transformed into the one of co-existence of active review and positive review , with positive review playing a major role , judicial procedure and hearings being adopted in positive review system .