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  • 网络immediate command;Immediately;immediate instruction
  1. 联合国(UN)呼吁美国立即暂停政府指令的乙醇生产,这将加大美国总统巴拉克奥巴马(BarackObama)面临的压力,要求他在大选前应对有争议的食品还是燃料辩论。

    The UN has called for an immediate suspension of government-mandated US ethanol production , adding to pressure on President Barack Obama to address the controversial food-versus-fuel debate in the run-up to presidential elections .

  2. 针对前者,本文提出了一种空操作NOP复用的方法,利用空操作字段存储长立即数以缩短指令长度。

    For the former the method of reusing NOP operation is presented in this paper to store the long immediate data so as to shorten the width of instruction .

  3. 现在,如果你改变每个大脑控制的维度但没有事先告知那些猴子,比如这只猴子控制X和Y,但是它本应该控制Y和Z,动物的大脑立即忘掉旧的指令并开始专注于新的指令。

    Now , if you flip without telling the monkey the dimensions that each brain has to control , like this guy is controlling x and y , but he should be controlling now y and z , instantaneously , that animal 's brain forgets about the old dimensions and it starts concentrating on the new dimensions .