
  • 网络Lipton;Lipton Tea
  1. 有人要来一杯立顿红茶吗?

    Anyone for a cup of yellow label ?

  2. 因在《X战警》中扮演充满阳刚之气的金刚狼而举世闻名的休·杰克曼即将在其为立顿冰红茶拍摄的全球宣传广告中展示他温柔的一面。

    Hugh Jackman , the actor most famous as the testosterone - fuelled Wolverine in X-Men , is to show his softer side in a global advertising campaign for Lipton Ice Tea .

  3. 再加上,有一瓶“立顿”红茶在车上的杯架上。

    And plus , a Lipton red tea bottle is on the cup holder .

  4. 立顿冰红茶欧洲推广执行官弗兰克斯·巴齐尼透露,会找到杰克曼,是因为在去年奥斯卡颁奖典礼上他载歌载舞的表演。

    The European marketing director for Lipton Ice Tea , Francois Bazini , said that it was Jackman 's singing and dancing performance as a host at last year 's Academy Awards that convinced the company to sign him up .