
  • 网络bun;bread;dinner roll
  1. 十字餐包是复活节庆典的传统食物。

    Hot Cross Buns are traditionally associated with the celebrations of Easter .

  2. 请问来点主食吗?是米饭还是餐包?

    Would you like some side orders , such as rice or buns ?

  3. 该公司表示,这些包是分配给位于得克萨斯州、俄克拉何马州、亚利桑那州、西维吉尼亚州、北卡罗莱那州、内华达州和肯塔基州的社区服务公司的CPI食品公司货架稳定餐包的一部分。

    The company said the packets are parts of CPI Foods shelf-stable meal kits distributed to community service companies in Texas , Oklahoma , Arizona , West Virginia , North Carolina , Nevada and Kentucky .

  4. 我的妈妈买些好吃的小餐包。

    My mom bought some delicious buns .

  5. 餐包上的白色十字是带表耶稣受难。

    The white cross on the top of the buns is said to represent the crucifixion .

  6. 均匀烘烤各类面包类产品,包括面包片、小餐包、硬面包圈、华夫饼、英式松饼等;

    Evenly toasts a variety of bread products including bagels , texas toast , waffles , and english muffins ;

  7. 现如今,由于十字餐包非常好吃所以在超市里很容易买到而且是全年都有售的。

    These days , hot cross buns are very popular and can be found in the supermarkets almost the whole year round .

  8. 印度油炸小点——塞满馅的面团,炸制而成,一口一个正合适;餐包蔬菜——松软酥脆的黄油面包搭配丰富的蔬菜咖喱,都是孟买的传奇。

    Panipuri , bite-size balls of stuffed fried dough , are legendary in Mumbai , as is pav bhaji , a rich vegetable curry served with a crispy buttered roll .

  9. 十字餐包非常容易做,烤制的时候会散发出美味、诱人、朴实的味道,但是人们更愿意用买的,在早餐时简单的烤一下配着茶吃。(暴殄天珍啊)

    Most people buy them and have them toasted for breakfast or tea , but they are easy to make and give off a most delicious , inviting , homely smell when baking .

  10. 香料足足,葡萄干满满的餐包是用鸡蛋和黄油做的,据传耶稣在四旬斋的时候就是吃这个的,所以后来人们在耶稣受难日当天的早餐都吃十字餐包。

    The spiced , raisin-studded buns are made with eggs and butter , which Christians were forbidden to eat during the40 days of Lent , and were usually eaten for breakfast on Good Friday .