
  1. 关于他们的一些视频“TheNickandJaValeShow”,马上就火起来了,尤其是他们生吞肉桂粉的骚操作,在几个小时内就引起吃瓜观众地围观,反响强烈。

    Within hours , video of the stunt , part of a YouTube series called " The Nick and JaVale Show , " rippled through the blogosphere , triggering a heavy backlash .

  2. 麦基和杨有一起考虑过再次上演“TheNickandJaValeShow”,并再次上演生吞肉桂粉挑战赛。杨再想要不要再次展现他真正的技术,鬼点子王尼克杨知道怎么赢下这个比赛。

    McGee and Young have even discussed bringing back " The Nick and JaVale Show " and reprising the " Cinnamon Challenge . " Should he again need an edge over his longtime buddy , Young knows a certain trick .

  3. 硼砂,糖,婴儿食品罐的盖子,肉桂粉

    Borax , Sugar , Baby food jar lid , Ground cinnamon

  4. 蚂蚁绝对不可能穿越肉桂粉筑起的堡垒!

    They simply won 't cross the great wall of cinnamon !

  5. 只要将蜂蜜加入肉桂粉,涂在感染处即可。

    Just add cinnamon to honey and put on the infected areas .

  6. 加入过筛过的面粉,盐,肉桂粉和苏打粉,搅拌均匀。

    Add flour , salt , cinnamon and soda and mix well .

  7. 肉桂粉是安全无毒的,同时也可以有效驱逐蚂蚁。

    Cinnamon is safe , non-toxic and will drive the ants crazy .

  8. 肉桂粉实病发生发展规律的研究

    Study on the during the development of the powdery-fruit disease of Cinnamomum cassia

  9. 肉桂粉实病菌两型孢子的研究

    Studies of 2 Types of Spores of the Powdery - Fruit Pathogen from Cinnamomum cassia

  10. 果蔬最少加工;肉桂粉实病发生发展规律的研究

    Study on the during the development of the powdery - fruit disease of Cinnamomum cassia

  11. 早餐定期吃涂有蜂蜜和肉桂粉的面包。

    Heart disease : - When eating breakfast , coat your bread with honey and cinnamon .

  12. 混合面粉,烤粉,小苏打,肉桂粉和盐,备用。

    Combine flour , baking powder , baking soda , cinnamon and salt . Set aside .

  13. 加入一些肉桂粉,以提高口感,搅拌好。

    Add a sprinkle of cinnamon for a warming flavour boost . Stir it in well .

  14. 皮肤感染蜂蜜加肉桂粉可治愈湿疹、轮癣及其他皮肤感染。

    Skin infection : - cinnamon and honey can cure eczema , psoriasis and other skin infections .

  15. 防霉试验结果表明,对草颗粒影响作用最大的因素为氧化钙,肉桂粉次之;

    The anti-mold experiment indicated that the biggest factor for anti-mold was calcium oxide , cinnamon second place ;

  16. 是的,我们有供应糖粉、花生粉、肉桂粉、巧克力粉和香草粉。

    A : Yes , we provide Powdered Sugar , Peanut , Cinnamon , Chocolate , and Vanilla toppings .

  17. 在你的法式烤面包上,也许你会洒上些肉桂粉和豆蔻粉,这些是热带树木的树皮和坚果磨成的。

    Over your French toast you may have sprinkled cinnamon and nutmeg , the powdered bark and nuts of tropical trees .

  18. 每日食用蜂蜜和肉桂粉,可加强免疫系统及防护细菌及病毒的侵害。

    Immune system : - daily consumption of honey and cinnamon can strengthen the immune system and protect against bacteria and viruses .

  19. 在同一锅中,倒入鸡汤,苹果,洋葱,3汤匙(1汤匙)苹果汁,肉桂粉和豆蔻粉。

    In the same skillet , combine the broth , apples , onion , 3 tablespoons ( 1 tablespoon ) cider , cinnamon and nutmeg .

  20. 中筋粉,粗麦粉,烤粉,榛子粉和肉桂粉混合过筛到鸡蛋混合物里。倒入牛奶和提子拌匀。

    Combine all-purpose flour , semolina , baking powder , ground hazelnut and cinnamon powder and sift into the egg mixture . Blend in milk and raisins .

  21. 去另一盆,把面粉过筛,然后加入燕麦,小苏打,豆蔻粉,肉桂粉,向草糖和盐。

    Sieve the flour into a separate bowl , add the oats , baking soda , nutmeg , cinnamon , vanilla sugar and salt and blend well .

  22. 如果你不想让蚂蚁靠近你的房子或食品,在门口和餐具室外洒一些肉桂粉。

    If you want to keep ants from getting into your house or your food supply , sprinkle some cinnamon around the edge of doorways and outside your pantry .

  23. 当你一大早对着电脑时,往刚刚磨好的咖啡豆里加一点肉桂粉;或者试一下难以抗拒的肉桂烤苹果作为低热量点心吧。

    Sprinkle a little of the powder on freshly ground coffee beans when making your morning java , or try these irresistible Cinnamon Baked Apples for a low-cal dessert .

  24. 挑战过程中,麦基忍不住吐出了肉桂粉,一边咳嗽一边取水喝。而杨少侠却如有神助地吞下了肉桂粉。

    McGee coughed up his spoonful of cinnamon , wheezing while he leaned into a sink to lap up water , as Young swallowed his share and raised his arms in victory .

  25. 将鸡蛋和糖混合打发,加入胡萝卜丝和油,面粉和泡打粉混合过筛,再加入盐和肉桂粉。(每加入一样都要稍微拌匀一下再加下一样,但也切忌过度搅拌)。

    Preparation : Beat the eggs with the sugar until the mixture is foamy , add the carrot and the oil , followed by the flour with the yeast , the salt and the cinnamon .

  26. 最后再加入香草、肉桂、姜粉一起混合。

    Finally , add the vanilla , cinnamon , and ginger , if using , and beat until incorporated .

  27. 白羊座讨厌味道寡淡的东西,喜欢辛辣食物,习惯加入罗勒、肉桂、咖喱粉等各种调味品。

    Aries likes variety -- so serve a bunch of appetizers . Fire Signs want their food to be hot and spicy . The Ram hates bland things and likes to spice up their meals with basil , cinnamon and curry .

  28. 肉桂超细微粉的粉体特征及体外透皮作用的研究

    Characteristics of particles of Cortex cinnamomi Ultra-fine powder and its transdermal effect in vitro

  29. 最开始是“肉桂挑战”(干吞肉桂粉)。

    First , there was the cinnamon challenge .