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  • nutmeg;nutmeg ;nut of this tree
肉豆蔻 [ròu dòu kòu]
  • [nutmeg] 一种硬而芳香圆球形的种子,广泛用为香料。又称肉果

  1. 肉豆蔻、西芹和苹果酒都能很好地突出这些豆子的味道。

    Nutmeg , parsley and cider all complement the flavour of these beans well .

  2. 至于要得到那种额外的香味,酌量加入肉豆蔻粉

    For that extra spiciness , add powdered nutmeg to taste .

  3. 她往肉里加了一些肉豆蔻干皮。

    She put some mace into the meat .

  4. 海南肉豆蔻果肉中粗纤维、维生素C和蛋白质含量的测定

    Determination of Crude Fiber , Vitamin C and Protein in Fresh Pulp of Myristica fragrans

  5. 肉豆蔻中油树脂的超临界CO2流体萃取

    Fluid Extraction of Oleoresin from Nutmeg with Supercritical Carbon Dioxide

  6. 对肉豆蔻的CO2超临界萃取工艺的条件配置进行了优化。

    The parameter of CO 2 supercritical fluid extract Nutmeg technique were defined .

  7. 康乃狄格州因为一种香料被称为“肉豆蔻州”(NutmegState)。

    Connecticut is called the Nutmeg State after a spice .

  8. 肉豆蔻及其混淆品长形肉豆蔻的FTIR直接鉴别

    Direct Identification of Myristica fragrans and Myristica sp. by FTIR

  9. 肉豆蔻超临界二氧化碳萃取工艺及其精油的GC-MS分析研究

    Study on Extraction of Nutmeg by Supercritical Carbon Dioxide and GC-MS Analytical

  10. 肉豆蔻化学成分的GC-MS研究

    Study on Chemical Components from Myristica Fragrans by GC-MS

  11. 肉豆蔻饮片炮制前后挥发油成分的GC-MS分析

    Comparing analysis of components in volatile oils of nutmeg and prepared nutmeg by GC-MS

  12. 它含有一个蛋白激酶C磷酸化位点和肉豆蔻基位点。

    Bioinformatics analysis of the NAG 7 gene shows that it is a transmembrane protein containing a protein kinase C ( PKC ) phosphorylation site and a myristyl site .

  13. 肉豆蔻挥发油对小鼠肝微粒体细胞色素P450的影响

    Effect of volatile oil from nutmeg on liver microsomal cytochrome P450 in mice

  14. 该基因编码的氨基酸序列含有3个蛋白激酶C磷酸化位点;2个酪蛋白激酶Ⅱ磷酸化位点;5个N-肉豆蔻酰位点;2个叶绿素a/b结合蛋白位点。

    The gene-encoded amino acid sequence contains three Protein kinase C phosphorylation sites , two Casein kinase ⅱ phosphorylation sites , five N-myristoylation sites and two Chlorophyll a / b binding protein and a yiaA / B two helix domain .

  15. 渗透促进剂肉豆蔻酸异丙酯(IPM)加入到贴片中后,药物的脂溶性LogPc和其Kp间无抛物线关系。

    When absorption promoter IPM ( isopropyl myristate ) was co administered with the drugs , the parabolic relationship no longer existed .

  16. 肉豆蔻(MyristicafragransHoutt)是我国传统中药,应用历史悠久。

    Myristica fragrans Houtt has been prescribed in Chinese medicine for a long time .

  17. 他表示,研究发现了这种寄生虫的一种弱点,就是N-肉豆蔻酰基转移酶(NMT),寄生虫需要NMT来生存。

    He says the research a weakness in the parasite . The weakness is an enzyme called N-myristoyl transferase , or NMT . The parasite needs NMT to survive .

  18. 肉豆蔻是从Scooter手中接过的这个头衔,那是一只来自曼斯菲尔德的暹罗猫,曾经在30岁的时候打破了吉尼斯世界纪录,成为了最长寿的猫,但是在同年五月份去世了。

    He inherits the title from Scooter , a Siamese from Mansfield , who was named a record breaker at the age of 30 by the Guinness Book Of World Records but died in May .

  19. 采用比较分子力场分析法(CoMFA)和比较分子相似性指数分析法(CoMSIA),系统地研究了40个苯并呋喃类N-肉豆蔻酰基转移酶(NMT)抑制剂的三维定量构效关系。

    Using comparative molecular field analysis ( CoMFA ) and comparative molecular similarity indices analysis ( CoMSIA ), three dimensional structure-activity relationship ( 3D-QSAR ) studies were carried out on a series of benzofuran N-myristoyl transferase ( NMT ) inhibitors .

  20. 在加入了橙花和铃兰之后,Philosophy的LivingGrace(售价32英镑)就像新洗过的床单一样让人放松,而Diptyque的L’EauduTrente-Quatre(售价60英镑起)则是充分混合了佛手柑、马鞭草、肉豆蔻和麝香。

    With the addition of neroli and lily of the valley , Philosophy 's Living Grace ( £ 32 ) calls to mind slipping between freshly washed sheets , while Diptyque 's L'Eau du Trente-Quatre ( from £ 60 ) takes the luminosity of bergamot and verbena and then spices it up with skin-hugging nutmeg and musk .

  21. 把肉豆蔻磨碎放入混合料中[撒在布丁上]。

    Grate the nutmeg into the mixture / over the pudding .

  22. 香料植物。肉豆蔻,肉桂,丁香,香料或青椒。

    Spice Plants-Nutmeg , Cinnamon , Clove , Allspice or Pimento .

  23. 肉豆蔻树风害调查及处理

    Investigation and Treatment of Wind Calamity of Myristica fragrans Tree

  24. 结果:了解肉豆蔻的药理作用。

    Result : The pharmacology action of nutmeg Were Comprehended .

  25. 用热水、糖、柠檬汁和肉豆蔻制成的酒。

    Wine and hot water with sugar and lemon juice and nutmeg .

  26. 肉豆蔻树的肉质果实像杏子一样。

    The fleshy fruit of the nutmeg tree is like an apricot .

  27. 肉豆蔻酸单乙醇酰胺硫酸酯盐的物化性能

    Study on physico-chemical properties of sodium myristic acid monoethanolamide sulfate

  28. 由覆盖肉豆蔻种子的干果肉制成的香料。

    Spice made from the dried fleshy covering of the nutmeg seed .

  29. 肉豆蔻精油抗氧化性能及清除自由基能力的研究

    Investigation of antioxidant activities and free radical scavenging of nutmeg essential oil

  30. 火星-12磅辣椒粉,肉桂,肉豆蔻,辣椒粉和木炭。

    Mars-12 pounds paprika , cinnamon , nutmeg , chili powder and charcoal .