
ròu yánɡ
  • mutton sheep
  1. 发展肉羊业的意义及其限制因素和对策对肉羊线性外貌Fuzzy综合评判的探讨

    Significance and Restrictions as well as Countermeasures for the Development of Mutton Sheep Industry A Comprehensive Judgement of Mutton Sheep with Fuzzy Mathematics

  2. 复合微生物制剂CMP复合饲料对黑色肉羊补饲增重效果

    Effects of CMP compound feed on black mutton sheep Black Temptation

  3. 对肉羊线性外貌Fuzzy综合评判的探讨奶牛体型外貌的9分制绒性评定方法

    A Comprehensive Judgement of Mutton Sheep with Fuzzy Mathematics Judging Dairy Cow by 9 Score Method

  4. 不同钴源对肉羊VB(12)营养状况的影响及其生物学效应

    Influence of cobalt sources on VB_ ( 12 ) status and their biological functions in sheep

  5. 测定结果表明,德美肉羊和蒙古羊血清和被毛硒含量极显著低于蒙古羊(P<0.01);

    The results showed as follows . The levels of the selenium in serum and wool in German mutton merino were significantly lower than those in Mongolian sheep ( P < 0.01 ) .

  6. ZA集团肉羊产业化经营模式研究

    Study on Management Pattern of Meat Sheep 's Industrialization for Za Group

  7. 蒙古羊血清和被毛Se含量显著高于德克赛尔肉羊和多赛特肉羊(P<0.05);

    The levels of selenium in serum and wool samples of Mongolian Sheep were significantly higher than those of Poll Dorset and Texel Mutton Sheep ( P < 0.05 ) .

  8. 全混合日粮(TMR)在贵州肉羊产业应用的必要性

    Necessity of Total Mixed Ration ( TMR ) Application on Mutton Sheep Industry in Guizhou

  9. 应用BLUP法评定肉羊育种值的试验研究

    Estimation of Breeding Value of Mutton Sheep by BLUP Method

  10. 本试验选择无角陶赛特、萨福克成年公羊为试验材料,经颈静脉采血提取血液中基因组DNA,并现场对采样肉羊进行臀围和臀宽测量。

    In this study , Poll Dorset , Suffolk adult rams were selected as the test material , from which jugular vein was collected to extract genomic DNA , and measured the hindquarter width and hip circumference on the spot . 1 .

  11. 生物技术与BLUP法在肉羊育种中的应用研究

    Study on the Biotechnology in German Mutton Merino Sheep and The Application of BLUP of Mutton Sheep Breeding

  12. 但面对中国加入WTO和国内国际两个市场的激烈竞争,河北省肉羊业、特别是肉羊养殖企业的发展仍面临着巨大的挑战。

    But accompanied with China 's entry to the WTO , the mutton sheep industry is being faced a intense competition both in the domestic and international markets , Hebei 's mutton sheep industry is no exception , especially for the mutton sheep pen .

  13. 此外,在其余生长阶段各基因型之间的生长指标无显著差异(P0.05),提示该位点可作为天府肉羊早期生长性状的候选分子遗传标记进行研究。

    In the others growth stages , there were no significant difference with the others growth traits between the three of genotypes ( P0.05 ) . It suggest the polymorphic can be the candidacy molecular marker for the early growth of the Tianfu goat .

  14. 用VB软件开发肉羊生产管理系统,包括日常管理、遗传分析、繁育系统、优化饲料配方和羊病诊断专家系统。

    The software package for modern sheep and goat production management ( MSG ) was developed with Visual Basic system . MSG includes daily manage system , genetic analysis system , reproductive manage system , feed formula system and disease expert system .

  15. 蒙古羊外周血T淋巴细胞(CD2)、单核巨噬细胞(CD14)显著高于德克赛尔肉羊和多赛特肉羊(P<0.05)。

    The levels of peripheral blood T lymphocytes ( CD2 ) and Mononuclear Macrophage ( CD14 ) in blood samples of Mongolian Sheep were significantly higher than those of Poll Dorset and Texel Mutton Sheep ( P < 0.05 ) .

  16. 第四章,对ZA集团进行肉羊产业化经营的环境进行了分析,指出了ZA集团发展肉羊产业化经营所具有的优势以及面临的主要问题。

    Chapter four , have analysed the environment that ZA group carried on meat sheep 's industrialization management and have pointed out the advantages of industrialization management of development of ZA group and subject matter faced .

  17. 通过对ZA集团肉羊产业化经营模式的研究,能够帮助企业最终实现肉羊生产产业化,同时实现集团经营利润的最大化,具有巨大的经济和社会效益。

    Through the study on ZA group meat sheep 's industrialization management pattern , can help enterprises and realize finally that the meat sheep produces industrialization . That also can realize group 's maximization of the profit at the same time and have enormous economic and social benefits .

  18. 特克赛尔肉羊与小尾寒羊的杂交试验

    Crossbreeding Experiment of Texel Meat Sheep and Han-sheep with Small Tail

  19. 德美肉羊和蒙古羊种间抗病性的研究&种间抗病性与哂、锌、铜含量及主要抗氧化酶活性关系研究

    Studies on Disease Resistivity Between German Mutton Merino and Mongolian Sheep

  20. 引进肉羊胚胎移植技术应用的研究

    Studies on Application of Introduced Embryo Transplantation Technology of Mutton Sheep

  21. 现代肉羊生产管理系统的研究与开发

    Development of Software Package For Modern Sheep and Goat Production Management

  22. 河北省肉羊养殖企业规范化管理研究

    Study on Management Formalization of Mutton Sheep Pen in Hebei Province

  23. 紫花苜蓿草粉添加量对肉羊育肥及肌肉氮沉积的影响

    Effect of Alfalfa Meal Addition on Sheep Fattening and Muscle Nitrogen Deposition

  24. 不同肉羊品种杂一代羔羊经济效益分析

    Analysis of economic Benefits on Hybridized Lambs of different Mutton Sheep Breed

  25. 几种肉羊肌肉组织学性状和理化性状的研究

    Study on the Histological and Physicochemical Characteristics of Muscle in Mutton Sheep

  26. 肉羊养殖现状及肉羊专家系统的开发与应用

    The Sheep Breeding Situation and Sheep Breeding Expert System Development and Application

  27. 河北主要肉羊品种肉品理化性状的研究

    Studies on the Meat Physicochemical Properties of Main Mutton Sheep in Hebei

  28. 高原地区肉羊胚胎移植试验

    Experiment of Embryo Transfer of Mutton-sheep in Highland Area

  29. 肉羊生产杂交组合筛选试验

    A Screening Test on Cross Combination of Mutton Sheep

  30. 纯种肉羊胚胎移植技术的研究与应用

    Studies on the Embryo Transfer Technique in Mutton Sheep