
  1. 目的:观察马氏珠母贝(Pinctadamartensis)全肉提取物糖胺聚糖精提物(glycosaminoglycan,GAG)或粗提物(coarseglycosaminoglycan,CGAG)对几种肿瘤的作用。

    AIM : To study the antitumor effect of the crude or the refined extract of glycosaminoglycan ( CGAG or GAG ) from whole viscera of pinctada martensis .

  2. 然而没过多久,餐桌上瞬间变成了白面包,白米饭,白糖,含糖饮料和午餐肉之类的精加工食品。

    Over a short period , however , diets have remarkably shifted to white bread , white rice , white sugar , sugary beverages , and highly processed foods , including canned luncheon meats .