
ròu ɡuì jīnɡ yóu
  • cinnamon essential oil
  1. 肉桂精油也用在古希伯来涂抹膏油的宗教仪式中。

    Its oil was used in ancient Hebrew anointing rituals .

  2. 肉桂精油对东陵枣采后病害的防治效果

    Control of Postharvest Diseases in Dongling Jujube by Cassia Oil

  3. 添加肉桂精油到家具光亮剂中,在木器上擦拭。

    Add Cinnamon oil to furniture polish and wipe down the wood .

  4. 肉桂精油的抗氧化作用研究

    Study on the antioxidant activities of cinnamon essence oil

  5. 以海藻酸钠为成膜材料,并添加不同质量浓度的肉桂精油来制备可食性抗菌膜。

    Sodium alginate is used as a main film-forming ingredient with different concentrations of cinnamon essential oils added to prepare edible antimicrobial films .

  6. 主要研究结果如下:(1)用百里香精油、肉桂精油、肉豆蔻精油、桉树精油和鼠尾草精油对八种果蔬采后病原真菌在体外熏蒸和直接接触抑菌效果进行了研究。

    Was tested at different concentrations in vitro . Thyme oil and cassia oil had strong fumigant toxicity and contact antifungal activity against some phytopathogenic fungi .

  7. 根据膜的力学性能和抑菌性能,确定了可食性膜中添加海藻酸钠、甘油和肉桂精油的最佳质量分数,以及可食性抗菌膜的最佳干燥温度和干燥时间。

    The concentration of sodium alginate , glycerol concentration and cinnamon oils , dry temperature and time are determined according to mechanical properties and antibacterial properties of the film .

  8. 肉桂,牧桂生桂皮的树木西双版纳引种的锡兰肉桂品种及精油成分

    Introduced Ceylon cinnamon cultivars in Xishuangbanna and their chemical components of essential oils