
ròu piào
  • hostage ;meat ration ticket
肉票 [ròu piào]
  • [kidnapped person] 指被犯罪分子绑架去的人质,用以向其家属勒索财物

  1. 改革之后,货币的状况甚至变得更糟,在货币交易中票劵(译者注:可能是诸如粮票、肉票之类的吧)也扮演者重要角色。

    After the revolution the currency situation got even worse , with ration coupons playing a role in transactions .

  2. 当「外星肉票」向我叙述他们的故事时,我不否认其真实性。

    When alien abductees recount to me their stories , I do not deny that they had a real experience .

  3. “肉票在那边,”万帕指着前面有强盗把守着的那个凹进去的地方回答说,“我当亲自去告诉他,他已经自由了。”

    " The prisoner is there ," replied vampa , pointing to the hollow space in front of which the bandit was on guard ," and I will go myself and tell him he is free . "