
  1. 人民币发行基金的调拨,应当按照中国人民银行的规定办理。

    RMB issuance funds shall be allocated as per regulations of the people 's Bank of china .

  2. 各级人民币发行库主任由同级中国人民银行行长担任。

    Chiefs of warehouses at various levels shall be assumed by branch bank managers of the corresponding level .

  3. 分支库调拨人民币发行基金,应当按照上级库的调拨命令办理。

    The subsidiary issue treasuries shall , in allocating Renminbi issue fund , act on the order of allocation from their superior treasury .

  4. 该国的货币政策以及以及人民币发行商在1949年革命之前意志处于混论不堪的局面,甚至老式的墨西哥银元都能流通。

    Its monetary policy and its mints were often in such wretched shape before the1949 revolution that old Mexican silver dollars still circulated .

  5. 人民币发行基金是中国人民银行人民币发行库保存的未进入流通的人民币。

    Issuance funds of RMB are the RMB stored in the issuance warehouses of people 's Bank of China before entering into circulation .

  6. 第二十一条中国人民银行设立人民币发行库,在其分支机构设立分支库。

    Article 21 The People 's Bank of China shall establish a Renminbi issue treasury and shall establish subsidiary issue treasuries at its branches .

  7. 任何单位和个人不得违反规定动用人民币发行基金,不得干扰、阻碍人民币发行基金的调拨。

    No entity or individual shall appropriate the issuance funds in violation of people 's Bank of China rules ; or intervene or obstruct allocation of RMB issuance funds .

  8. 其中一些是之前提到过的,比如香港首只可直接投资于内地股市的交易所交易基金(ETF),扩大离岸人民币债券发行。

    Some are iterative , such as the first Hong Kong listed exchange traded funds to invest directly in Chinese stocks , or expansion of offshore renminbi bonds issuance .

  9. 例如,信用评级机构穆迪(Moody’s)昨日表示,今年头九个月离岸人民币债券发行总量增至创纪录的4510亿元人民币,高于2013年全年的3760亿元人民币。

    Issuance of offshore renminbi bonds , for instance , rose to a record Rmb451bn in the first nine months of the year , from Rmb376bn in all of 2013 , Moody 's , the credit rating agency , said yesterday .

  10. 第一,保证人民币的发行安全。

    The safety on Reminbi issuing .

  11. 针对央行票据过度膨胀带来的负面影响,文章认为,应该从根源上解决人民币超额发行问题。

    Too much Central Bank Bill leads to some negative effect , the article concludes the problem about RMB 'S excess issue should be solved from the root .

  12. 这不仅有利于人民币债券发行的多元化并深化本地债券市场,同时也将强化香港作为国际金融中心的地位。

    It not only helps diversify the renminbi bond offerings and deepen the local bond market but also strengthens Hong Kong 's position as an international financial centre .

  13. 我国的“外汇资产&人民币”发行模式导致了货币的超额发行,央行票据是对中央银行超额发行债务的置换。

    Because of RMB 'S excess issue through " foreign currency assets-RMB " model in China , Central Bank Bill as a debt tool has been replacing the excess currency .

  14. 只要北京继续牢牢控制资本账户,同时小心限制境外人民币债券发行所得的流入,一个繁荣的熊猫债券市场就依然是一场难以触及的美梦。

    While Beijing still maintains its tight grip on the capital account and carefully restricts the flow of foreign RMB bond sales the dream of a thriving panda bond market will remain elusive .

  15. 建国初期,解放全中国及百废待兴,导致人民币财政性发行和生产性发行双向推进,通货膨胀严重,物价波动剧烈。

    Just after the Liberation , the task of rebuilding China led to the two-way advancement of financial and productive issuance of RMB , serious inflation and tempestuously fluctuant prices .

  16. 该股昨日收于3.88元人民币,比其发行价高77%。

    They closed yesterday at RMB 3.88 77 per cent higher than their offer price .

  17. 点心债券(在香港发行的人民币债券)的发行已经提速。

    The issuance of dim sum bonds , renminbi-denominated paper issued in Hong Kong , has gathered pace .

  18. 随着欧元区即将启动的量化宽松计划在全球市场激起涟漪,中国企业纷纷弃用人民币发债,转而发行新的欧元离岸债券。

    Chinese companies are ditching the renminbi and flocking to the euro to raise new offshore debt , as the imminent launch of quantitative easing in the single currency bloc sends ripples through global markets .

  19. 未将合格的人民币产品全部解缴中国人民银行人民币发行库的;

    Failure to deliver all qualified RMB products to the issuance warehouses of the people 's Bank of china ;

  20. 自汇丰(HSBC)和渣打(StandardChartered)去年5月成为发行人民币计价债券的首批银行以来,新加坡的人民币债券发行在中资银行的带领下有所增长。

    Since HSBC and Standard Chartered became the first banks to issue bonds denominated in renminbi in May last year , renminbi issuance in Singapore has grown , led by Chinese banks .

  21. 为了保持人民币汇率的稳定,中国央行将流入境内的外汇几乎全部兑换为人民币,然后通过发行央行票据的方式来回笼人民币,将资金抽出金融体系。

    To keep the currency stable , the central bank swaps nearly all dollars coming into the country for renminbi , which it then drains out of the financial system by issuing bank notes .