
rén liú
  • traffic;stream of people;induced abortion
人流 [rén liú]
  • (1) [stream of people]∶像流体一样向前移动的人群

  • (2) [induced abortion]∶人工流产的简称。在胚胎发育早期,利用药物或手术使胎儿脱离母体

人流[rén liú]
  1. 现在想起来,没有任何正式的培训,有的只是没完没了的工作和无休无止的人流!

    I do not recall any formal training , just endless work and an unending stream of people !

  2. 一股人流走进影院。

    A stream of people was going into the cinema .

  3. 她任由自己被人流挟裹着前行。

    She let herself be swept along by the crowd .

  4. 设置的路障控制人流涌向广场。

    Barricades funnelled the crowds towards the square .

  5. 她从人流中慢慢地挤了回来。

    Slowly she threaded her way back through the moving mass of bodies

  6. 这味道真美,使人流口水。

    It tastes delicious , and makes one run at the mouth .

  7. 他随着人流混进会场。

    He mixed with the crowd and slipped into the meeting place .

  8. 有些成功的人流露出自信。

    Some successful men exude self-confidence .

  9. 这是为了防止人们扔垃圾,让人流密集的历史中心保持清洁。

    It was needed to stop people from littering and keeping the crowded historical center clean .

  10. 地铁三文鱼指的是地铁站里(经常是地铁到站后人大量涌出时)坚持逆着人流上下楼梯的一两个人。

    Subway salmons refers to the one or two people who insist on going up a stairway or down a stairway ( usually after a train arrives at a subway stop ) while all the people leaving the train are going in the opposite direction . Example :

  11. A、B、C组均无人流综合征发生,D组1例人流综合征。

    No RAAS in Group A , B and C , and 1 case of RAAS in Group D.

  12. 在人流组中,与空白血清组比较,各含药血清没有显著的统计学差异(P>0.05);

    In the induced abortion group , compare to the blank serum , none of the serum of formulas has statistical difference ( P > 0.05 );

  13. 未婚与已婚人流妇女ScL-90评定结果分析

    Psychometry with ScL-90 of unmarried and married women before undergoing induced abortion

  14. 结果人流综合征的发生率,观察组为1.7%,对照组为11.7%,P值<0.05,有显著性差异。

    Results The rate of induced abortion syndrome in the observed group was 1.7 % and in the control group was 11.7 % ( P < 0.05 ), they had obvious difference .

  15. 方法选择160例人流患者,年龄20~42岁,停经40~70d,无人流禁忌证者。将其分为A、B两组,每组80例。

    Methods 160 cases of such patient aged 20 ~ 40 year old who stopped menses 40 ~ 70 d without contraindication were divided into two group 80 cases per each .

  16. 纳入WTO体系的自然人流动能充分利用其谈判平台和争端解决机制,为自身发展提供保障。

    Movement of natural persons into the WTO system can make full use of their negotiating platform and dispute settlement mechanism , to provide protection for their own development .

  17. 推广使用比较高效的避孕方法(高铜IUD、吉妮环人流术后放置IUD)降低人工流产率。

    To promote the use of contraceptive method is efficient to reduce artificial abortion rate .

  18. 其影响因素为年龄、妊娠次数,人流次数、避孕方式,HPV感染5个因素。

    The influencing factors were age , the pregnancy numbers , the artificial abortion times , the contraceptive methods , and HPV infection altogether 5 factors .

  19. 来自VIP接待,游客问询,剧院管理,ICT设备和人流管理等团队的员工代表以及二楼办公室的主管参加了此次员工代表会议。

    Staffs from VIP reception , Facilitators , Theatre management , ICT devices , Flow management and2nd floor operation supervisors taken part in the meeting .

  20. 方法:选择自愿作无痛人流术患者60例,随机分为3组,即瑞芬太尼组(R组)、咪唑安定复合瑞芬太尼组(RM组)及对照组。

    Methods : 60 patients who were voluntary to accept painless induced abortion were randomly divided into group R ( remifentanil group ), group RM ( midazolam and remifentanil group ), and control group .

  21. 第二种方法将人流类比为水流,通过求解描述二维不可压缩流体的Navier-Stokes方程得到速度场。

    The other way is to take a pedestrian flow as a water flow . By solving the Navier-Stokes equation which describes 2D incompressible fluid , we obtain a velocity field .

  22. 最后作为该模型的一个实用性试验,选择了美国犹他州EastCanyon水库,利用该模型探讨了温跃层对风、人流及出流变化的响应情况。

    Finally , as a example of its application , this model was applied in East Canyon reservoir , Utah , USA. The efficiency of the prediction of thermocline corresponding to the wind forcings and inflow and outflow has been discussed .

  23. 在法国阿尔卑斯山区的首府城市格勒诺布尔市(Grenoble),一家名为ShortEdition的出版业初创公司在该市人流最密集的几处公共场所安置了8台免费短篇小说自动售货机。

    In Grenoble , France , a city known as the capital of the French Alps , a publishing start-up called Short É dition has installed eight free story-dispensing vending machines in some of its most popular public spaces .

  24. 因为GAFA的存在,这个十字路口人流密集,交通繁忙。

    Because of the existence of GAFA , there is thick stream of people and busy traffic .

  25. 结果:米非司酮药流组滋养细胞中LIF的表达较人流对照组明显减少(P<0.01),其PU值(x-±s)分别为11.24±5.39,24.76±11.07。

    Results : The expression of LIF in mifepristone group was significantly lower than that of control group ( P < 0.01 ), The PU values (± s ) were 11.24 ± 5.39 and 24.76 ± 11.07 respectively .

  26. 在人流涌动的第七街和H街交汇处,坐落着Zengo餐厅&日文的字面意思是“前”和“后”。在那里,拉美和亚洲烹饪奇妙地结合在了一起。

    On the bustling intersection of7th and H streets is Zengo – literally " before " and " after " in Japanese – where Latin and Asian cuisines make unusual bedfellows .

  27. 铁路智能运输系统(RailwayIntelligentTransportationSystem,RITS)在本质上是建立在信息流基础上的人流和物流的统一体,共用信息平台是RITS中各个子系统互相通信的信息中枢。

    In essence , railway intelligent transportation system ( RITS ) is an unity which is founded on the basis of person distribution and physical distribution . The information-shared platform of RITS is the center , through which the sub-systems communicate with each other in the RITS .

  28. 主要工作如下:1.在二维OV模型的基础上我们分别考虑行人占地空间对行人流稳定性的影响,以及引入避免碰撞的规则,提出了两种改进的模型。

    The main contents are given as follows : 1 . Based on the two-dimensional OV model , considering the occupying space of the pedestrian and a non-collision term , two new models are proposed .

  29. 外来感染是指人工流产术前、手术时或人流术后,细菌从外界进入yindao。

    Foreign infection is to point to abortion , operation or after people before , and bacteria from the outside into the vagina .

  30. 【结论】瑞芬太尼复合丙泊酚无痛人流手术麻醉效果满意、丙泊酚用药和并发症明显减少,而1.5ng/ml的瑞芬太尼TCI复合丙泊酚麻醉的效果最好。

    【 Conclusions 】 During artificial abortion operation , remifentanil and propofol anesthesia can achieve satisfactory anesthesia , reduce the requirement of propofol and minimize the side-effect of drug , of all groups remifentanil 1.5ng/ml TCI is best .