
rén huò
  • man-caused calamity
  • man-made calamities
人祸 [rén huò]
  • [man-made calamities] 人造成的祸害,与天灾相对

  • 天灾人祸

  1. 自唐山以来,人类的灾难太多数不胜数,古今中外的一次次天灾为什么就不能唤醒人们反思一下这其实就是TMD人祸呢?

    Since tangshan , human disaster , many of the prodect again why couldn 't scourge awakening people actually reflect the TMD disasters is ?

  2. 海珠城广场工程设计有问题基坑坍塌还是人祸?

    Sea Pearl City Plaza engineering problems Jikeng collapsed or man-made ?

  3. 旧病复发,新病增加,是天灾还是人祸?

    Relapse , a new disease to increase is natural or man-made ?

  4. 明末大饥荒实因人祸考

    On Reason of the Large Famine in Late Ming Dynasty

  5. 那大火不是天灾而是人祸。

    That conflagration is not a natural disaster but a.

  6. 是天灾,还是人祸?

    An act of providence , or man-made calamity ?

  7. 也会碰到人祸,像战争或犯罪行为。

    Also man-made disasters like wars and crimes .

  8. 今年中国发生了很多事,有天灾,有人祸!

    Many events or disaster happened in this year , including natural and man-made disaster !

  9. 从天灾到人祸,人类无时无刻不在创伤的恐惧中生存。

    Human beings live every minute in fear of trauma caused by natural and man-made disasters .

  10. 温州高铁事故是人祸,原本可以避免。

    The Wenzhou high speed train crash was a human tragedy which could have been prevented .

  11. 北方草原雪灾是天灾,更是一种人祸。

    The snow calamity is caused by both nature and humankind in the northern prairie of China .

  12. 它会是一场灾难,天灾或人祸,或是世界上不同寻常或激动人心的场景。

    It could be a disaster , natural or otherwise , or something unusual or exciting on the world scene .

  13. 近年来,全球的灾害频发,无论是天灾还是人祸都对民众的生命造成极大的威胁。

    In recent years , natural and man-made disasters have been frequently occurring around the world and seriously threatening people s lives .

  14. 这场洪水虽已过去,但各种议论纷至沓来,更有甚者将其归于人祸。

    Although this flood has passed , various comments come in a continuous stream , some people even attribute this flood to man-made calamities .

  15. 通常来说,当一场灾难降临,不管是天灾还是人祸,开头时我们都会提出一系列理论,有些比较有道理,有些则说不太通。

    Normally , when a disaster strikes , whether man-made or natural , we begin with a range of theories , some less plausible than others .

  16. 尽管水灾害的发生是“天灾”与“人祸”共同作用的结果,然而从根源上讲,“人祸”的原因更是我们需要探索和重视的。

    Though inundation is the joint outcome of natural calamity and man-made calamity , man-made calamity is a basic reason and need us to explore more .

  17. 其他人没有一个经历过我的这些遭遇。今年遭天灾又遇人祸,真是一个凶年。

    None of the others have lived my experiences . There have been natural and man-made calamities this year . it is really a bad year .

  18. 智利与海地先后发生的地震,提醒了我们天灾可能造成怎样的苦难,但占据媒体版面最多的却是一场人祸。

    Successive earthquakes in Chile and Haiti reminded us of the misery inflicted by natural disasters , but it was a man-made calamity that dominated the news .

  19. 不幸的是,我们除了要面对政客和军人执政这些人祸,现在还面临着解决天灾的问题。

    Already so unlucky with our politicians and military dictators , now , on top of everything else , we had to deal with a natural disaster .

  20. 同样,金钱,老去,疾病,死亡,天灾,人祸,是给我们每个人带来的问题。

    Similarly , money , growing old , sickness , deaths , natural disasters and accidents are all events which present problems to virtually all human beings .

  21. 盘庚:商朝建立后的300多年中共搬迁5次,或避黄河泛滥之天灾,或避内乱之人祸。

    Pan Geng : After the establishment , the Shang Dynasty moved five times in three hundred years due to the deluge of the Yellow River , or civil strifes .

  22. 在某些执行杀戮的晚上甚至会发生地震,这让大家更害怕,因为我们认为每一场天灾的背后都包藏了人祸。

    On some of the nights of the killings there would also be earthquakes , which made people even more scared as we connect every natural disaster with a human disaster .

  23. 主要写狼灾人祸以及人和狼和谐共存,让人类思考如何才能和自然和谐共存。

    It mainly narrates the disasters brought by the wolf and damages caused artificially and harmonious coexistence of humankind and wolves to let the humankind think over how to harmoniously coexist with the nature .

  24. 我解释了我的遭遇,声音紧张得象是一个遇到生命危险的人。今年遭天灾又遇人祸,真是一个凶年。

    I explained what had happened to me , talking with the intensity of someone in mortal danger . There have been natural and man-made calamities this year . it is really a bad year .

  25. 大到火山、地震、战争、动乱,小到各种疾病和事故,可无论是天灾还是人祸,都不可避免地带给人们巨大的人员伤亡、财产损失和心灵阴影等伤害。

    Large to volcanoes , earthquakes , war , riot , small to various diseases and accidents , whether natural or man-made disasters can inevitably cause large casualties , property damage and heart damage shadows to people .

  26. 从2001年的9/11事件到2008年的5/12汶川地震,无论是天灾还是人祸,都是包括受害者在内的全人类所共同遭受的或身体或情感上的重大伤害和挫折。

    They are all defeats and hurts to bodies and souls of victims for all human beings by those disasters or Act of God from terrorists attacks of9 / 11 in2001 to Wenchuan Earthquakes of5 / 12 in2008 .

  27. 数据灾难应对的最高目标是要保障网络信息系统在各种天灾及人祸的打击下能够尽量继续保持平滑地运行。

    Data of the highest aim of the disaster response is to be able to protect the network information system in a variety of natural and man-made under the blows as far as possible to maintain smooth operation .

  28. 清代后期湖南的虫灾、风灾、雹灾和冰冻雪灾北方草原雪灾是天灾,更是一种人祸。

    Plague of Insects , Windstorm Disaster , Hail Damage and Icy Snow Calamity in Hunan in the Later Stage of Qing Dynasty The snow calamity is caused by both nature and humankind in the northern prairie of China .

  29. 抗战期间流民的产生,多与日本的侵略、飞机轰炸和黄河改道的人祸有关。流民不仅意味着物质上的流离失所,更多地是精神、文化层面上的痛苦。

    During the war displaced persons produce more with the Japanese invasion , aircraft bombing and the Yellow River in man-made . " Refugee Painting " means not only the displaced material , is the spirit of the cultural level of pain .

  30. 谚语说天作孽犹可恕,人作孽不可活,现今可怜的地球不仅是天灾频仍,人祸更是接踵不断。

    The saying goes : " Heaven may be forgiven for its iniquities , but man shall not live for his sins " . Not only is the poor Earth suffering from natural calamities , but it is battered by man-made disasters as well .