
  • 网络population objective;population target
  1. 我国总人口目标的探讨

    Research and Discussion on total population target in China

  2. 本文建立一种网状递阶结构人口目标控制仿真系统,并设计了相应的递阶循环迭代算法。

    A simulation system for population objective control with hierachical net structure is described and the recursive algorithm is given correspondingly .

  3. 第二,选择山东省人口现代化目标函数。

    Second , choose the modernized goal function of Shandong population modernization .

  4. 适度人口的目标要从实际人口出发来讨论、设计和努力,中国的理想人口必须考虑满意度和可能性这两方面。

    The target of optimum population should be discussed on the basis of realities .

  5. 人口规划目标顺利实现。

    We smoothly attained population planning objectives .

  6. 国际组织间合作可发挥战略性作用,指导全球做出努力,实现国际减少饥饿人口的目标。

    Collaboration among international organizations plays a key strategic role in directing global efforts to reach the international hunger reduction goals .

  7. 基于国民经济和人口发展目标的建设用地需求规模预测研究&以武汉市黄陂区为例

    To Forecast the Need for Construction Land Based on the Development Objective of National Economy and Population & Instance of Huangpi District , Wuhan

  8. 中国成为第一个提前完成千年发展计划中关于在2015年减少一般贫困人口的目标的发展中国家。

    China was the first developing country to meet the Millennium Development Goals target of reducing the population living in poverty by half ahead of the 2015 deadline .

  9. 分析家指出,通过国际合作和外援中国在扶贫工作方面的经验可以用于帮助世界完成减少贫困人口的目标。

    China 's experience in poverty alleviation could be used in helping the world complete the poverty reduction target through cooperation with other nations and foreign aid , analysts said .

  10. 随着我国政治经济体制改革进程的不断加快,党在十六大提出了建设社会主义新农村的要求,这一目标的具体实施实际上包括了人口发展目标要求。

    Along with the speed-up of the restructuring of the political and economic systems , the Sixteenth National Congress proposed the goal of construction of Socialist New Countryside , whose implementation actually includes the population development .

  11. 在此过程中,科学地确定人口发展目标,做出相应的战略选择,并在具体的实施过程中加以影响,这对于稳定低生育水平具有重要的作用。

    In the course of it , to set the population development aim scientifically , make the corresponding strategic choice and incorporate them in practice , all have important influence on stabilizing the low birth level .

  12. 一般主要以农村的贫困人口作为目标客户并根据客户的家庭结构、主要收入来源、还款意愿及信用度等具体情况对他们提供相应的小额度贷款,可以说是一种比较特殊的金融方式。

    The microfinance is a special way of financial which makes the rural poor as a target according to the circumstances of family structure , the main source of income , the credit repayment and so on .

  13. 但是乐施会的劳森说,因为中国经济的发展,减少全球最贫困人口的目标可能会达到,但是在非洲仍存在很大的疑问。目前非洲仍有数百万人生活在绝对贫困之中。

    But Oxfam 's Lawson says the goal of halving the people living in extreme poverty globally may be met because of growth in China but there are big doubts in Africa where there are still millions of people living in desperate poverty .

  14. 根据人口估计的目标和使用的数据源不同,可以把基于RS和GIS的人口估计方法分成两大类:面插值方法和统计模型方法。

    RS - and GIS-based population estimation methods can be divided into two categories in terms of the application goal and the required data information , i. e. areal interpolation and statistical modeling .

  15. 然而从1982年以来几乎所有的城市规划中人口总量的目标都未达到。

    However , since 1982 almost all of the total population in urban planning did not achieve the goal .

  16. 无法获得改善水源的人口减半的目标也已实现。

    We also met the target of halving the proportion of people who lack access to improved sources of water .

  17. 再次,针对上述的分析提出龙凤区人口发展的目标及解决人口问题的对策。

    Moreover , propose goal , population of development , district of dragons and phoenixes , and solve countermeasure , population of issue to above-mentioned analysis .

  18. 人们普遍认为,大项目将把粮食、环境、政策问题与千年发展目标的到2015年将贫困和饥饿人口减半的目标整合起来。

    There is broad agreement that mega-programmes will integrate food , environment and policy issues with the millennium development goals of halving poverty and hunger by2015 .

  19. 而人类社会反贫困的立足点和出发点又是一致的,就是要使贫困人口实现脱贫目标。

    But the standing point and the starting point of poverty reduction are alike , which is to help the poor population improve their living conditions .

  20. 计划生育家庭为我国实现控制人口增长的目标做出了特殊的贡献,为我国各项事业的建设创造了良好的人口环境。

    The family planning households have make great contribution to controlling the population increase of China , to create well population environment for the causes of construction .

  21. 在实现千年发展目标方面,莫桑比克已经进入实现在2015之前将贫困人口减少一半的目标的轨道,尽管该国仍然是世界上最贫困的国家之一,Baxter说。

    Mozambique is on track to meet the Millennium Development Goal of halving poverty by2015 , though the country remains one of the poorest in the world , says Baxter .

  22. 人口与计划生育目标管理责任制过程评价式考核体系初探

    Process Assessment System of the Target Liabilities of Population and Family Planning Administration

  23. 人口老龄化与目标人群社会保障研究&以南通市为例

    Study on Population Aging and Social Security for Target Group in Nantong City

  24. 中国人口与发展的目标是。

    Targets for the national population and development program .

  25. 甘肃省河西地区人口与资源多目标动态分析

    The multi-goal dynamic analysis of population and resources in the west of Yellow River in Gansu Province

  26. 一个公司的营销活动总是针对特定的人口细分&其目标市场。

    A firm 's marketing activities are always aimed at a particular segment of the population & its target market .

  27. 但是,如何才能使收益和资源开发的目标与改善人口卫生状况的目标相互和谐协调?

    But how can objectives of profitability and resource generation be reconciled with that of improving the population 's health status ?

  28. 建立和完善人口与计划生育目标管理责任制,使计划生育的基本国策落到实处。

    We established and improved the target responsibility system for population and family planning and implemented this basic state policy in real earnest .

  29. 计划生育三结合是新时期中国人口实现可持续发展目标的战略选择。

    The three connected plan of birth control is a strategic choice to fulfill the sustainable development of China 's Population in the new period .

  30. 在2015年把贫困人口减少一半的目标在全球层面有望实现,但是在撒哈拉以南非洲地区,如果不能尽快提高进展速度,就难以实现。

    The goal to halve poverty by2015 will likely be met at the global level , but not in Sub-Saharan Africa unless progress there can be accelerated quickly .