
  • 网络the people;People's Daily;de Volkskrant
  1. 基亚罗斯塔米在接受荷兰报纸《人民报》(DeVolkskrant)的采访时表示,影片拍摄期间他感到“非常孤独”。

    Mr. Kiarostami said he had felt " terribly lonely " during the filming in an interview with the Dutch newspaper De Volkskrant .

  2. 据《周日人民报》报道,门多萨动物园5个月前曾拒绝将Arturo转移至加拿大温尼伯的阿西尼玻公园动物园,该公园动物园内新建了一个国际北极熊保护中心。

    Mendoza Zoo blocked an effort five months ago to move Assiniboine Park Zoo in Winnipeg , Canada - where a new International Polar Bear Conservation Centre is located , reported the Sunday People .

  3. 在出发前,主席在在塔吉克斯坦《人民报》发表文章,承诺进一步加强中塔关系并推动上合组织的发展。

    Ahead of his departure , the president wrote in Tajikistan 's People 's Gazette newspaper , pledging to further enhance bilateral ties as well as the development of the SCO .

  4. 曾经参过军的迈尔斯先生对周日人民报说:我环游世界见了那些梦里都不觉得我能见到的名人,他们说金钱买不到幸福,但是我从来没像现在这么幸福。

    Mr Myles , who used to serve in the Army , told the Sunday People : ' From travelling the world to meeting celebrities I couldn 't have made this up in my wildest dreams - They say money can 't buy happiness but I have never been happier . '

  5. 直辖市的城市总体规划,由直辖市人民政府报国务院审批。

    The comprehensive plan for a municipality directly under the Central Government shall be submitted by the people 's government of the municipality to the State Council for examination and approval .

  6. 跨县不跨省的其他江河的流域水污染防治规划由该省级人民政府报国务院备案。

    Plans for preventing and controlling water pollution of basins of other rivers that run across counties but not provinces shall be submitted by the people 's government of the province concerned to the State Council for the record .

  7. 直接隶属该部的《人民邮电报》上的一篇文章指出,电信企业需在今年年底前将电话用户实名率增至95%以上,并争取在明年6月底达到100%。

    An article in People 's Posts and Telecommunications News , a newspaper directly under the supervision of the ministry , said telecoms need to increase the proportion of real-name users to at least 95 percent by the end of this year and to 100 percent by the end of next June .

  8. 新建、重建宗教活动场所,应当经市人民政府审核,报广东省人民政府批准。

    Construction , reconstruction of religious places shall be examined and verified by the municipal people 's government , and reported to the Guangdong Provincial People 's Government for approval .

  9. 审批前依法举行听证会,征求各方意见,报请自治区人民政府批准并报文化部备案后施行。

    Approval according to law before the hearing to solicit opinions from all sides , reported to the regional government approved the implementation and report to the Ministry of Culture for the record .