
  • 网络human development;People Development
  1. 走出人的发展的认识误区

    To Dispel cognitive misunderstandings in the field of human development

  2. 人的发展经济学的研究对象、理论体系及其意义

    The Study Object 、 Theoretical System and Significance of Human Development Economics

  3. 因此,社会发展与人的发展具有辩证统一性。

    Thus social development and human development are dialectical united .

  4. 占有制度的变迁与人的发展

    The Changes of Possession System and the Development of Man

  5. 教育应当着眼于人的发展,以人为本。

    Education should focus on human development , namely " human-oriented " .

  6. 数学对社会进步和人的发展具有巨大的推动作用。职业院校应在数学教学中进行思想品德教育,健全学生人格素质;

    Mathematics plays a great role in driving social progress and human development .

  7. 人的发展与文化模式的变迁

    On Development of Human and Evolution of Cultural Modes

  8. 人的发展:马克思的视角和方法

    The Development of Human Beings : Marx 's Angle of View and Approach

  9. 但是,在当下交往对人的发展也有消极影响。

    However , at present communication also have negative effects on human development .

  10. 人的发展前景与自主意识的深化

    Person 's development prospect and deepening of self-consciousness

  11. 社会进步不但要求人们向更高层次发展,而且特别强调所有人的发展,强调终身教育和全民教育。

    Social progress demands not only people 's furthermore development but also all-people 's development .

  12. 可持续发展观本质上是人的发展观。

    The view of sustained development is in its essence that of development of man .

  13. 分配制度与人的发展

    Distribution system and people 's development

  14. 社区文化的发展具有多元功能:一是社区文化对人的发展具有促进作用;

    Development of community culture has multi-functions . First , community culture can promote human development .

  15. 开发职业学校校本课程,必须树立新的教育理念,即:校本课程的开发要指向人的发展,指向学生专业知识和专业技能的提高,指向学生职业素质的提高和个性的张扬。

    To develop the vocational schools ' own curriculum , we should build new education idea .

  16. 人的发展恰恰就是在技术进步与价值选择两者的不断变迁中完善着自身,推动着人类社会的前进。

    The development and consummation of human are based on the technology progress and value alternation .

  17. 论社会主义社会人的发展

    On Personal Development in Socialist Society

  18. 论异化与人的发展

    On Alienation and Human Development

  19. 直到今天,人们依然在人的发展的道路上摸索。

    Until today , people still try to find out the road to the people 's development .

  20. 科学精神与人文精神的分裂,阻碍社会进步和人的发展。

    The division of scientific spirit and humane spirit is unfavorable to social progress and human development .

  21. 归因的学习与人的发展

    Attributional Learning and Human Development

  22. 确立培养创新人才,促进人的发展的教学目标;

    We must also set up the teaching objective of fostering creative talents , enhancing human development .

  23. 创新与人的发展

    Innovation and Human Development

  24. 我国现阶段人的发展的制约因素及解决途径

    The Restricting Factors for Human Progress and the Approaches for Solution in the Present Stage of Our Country

  25. 而人的发展历程即是对起着决定和基础意义的经济社会发展的孜孜追求。

    And human development process is right up to and basis of economic and social development of Strive .

  26. 人的发展是社会发展进步的重要条件,是社会发展的目标。

    Human development and social development is an important condition for progress is the goal of social development .

  27. 我们不能只顾及人的发展而忽视了自然环境的承受能力。

    We can not look only at the expense of human development , the capacity of the natural environment .

  28. 音乐教育是一种审美教育,对人的发展起着非常重要的作用。

    Music education , as a kind of aesthetic education , plays a very important role in human development .

  29. 而可持续发展与人的发展的关键在于人的素质的提高。

    Moreover the key of the sustainable development and the human development lies in the improvement of the human quality .

  30. 我们一般认为人的发展是有规律的,它遵循生理学。

    We generally believe that a person 's development is regular , and it follows the regularity of physiology and psychology .