
  • 网络body balance
  1. BSR-1型人体平衡功能测试仪及其测试指标

    BSR-1 Body Balance Testing Instrument and the Assessment Indexes

  2. 便携式人体平衡测试仪的信度及敏感性研究

    Validity and Sensitivity of Portable Body Balance Testing System

  3. 基于Measurementstudio的人体平衡功能测试分析软件设计

    Design of Measurement Studio-Based Detecting and Analyzing Software For Human Equilibrium Function

  4. 国产PJ-I型电脑型人体平衡功能检测仪的应用

    Clinical application of balance function test with homemade computerized balance instrument

  5. 视觉对于维持人体平衡功能具有重要意义。

    Visual input plays an important role in maintaining postural balance .

  6. 结论:人体平衡功能与年龄相关;

    Conclusion : The balance ability of people correlates with age .

  7. 国产电脑型人体平衡功能仪信度与效度检验

    The Reliability and Validity of Domestic Intelligence Balance Function Instrument

  8. 国产电脑型人体平衡检测仪信度和效度的研究位标器陀螺转子动平衡检测仪的研制

    Research of Automatic Measuring Instrument for Dynamical Balance of a Coordinator Gyrorotor

  9. 闭眼单脚站立反映人体平衡能力。

    One-leg standing with eye-closed showed the ability of body-balance .

  10. 站高时的人体平衡特征研究

    Characteristics of Human Balance during Standing in High Lever

  11. 了解人体平衡机理,对人的疾病诊断和康复有重要意义。提出了一种基于能量分析的人体动力学稳定区域的评价指标。

    An energy based criterion for dynamic balance of human body is presented .

  12. 人体平衡测试系统主要实现技术分析

    Main Realization Technology Analysis of Posture Balance Test System

  13. 人体平衡功能测试仪及定量指标研究

    Testing Instrument for Balancing Function of Human Body

  14. 人体平衡能力的静态测试

    Static Testing of Balance Function of Human Body

  15. 噪声防护具对人体平衡的影响

    Effects of hearing protection device on body balance

  16. 便携式站姿、坐姿人体平衡测试系统的研制

    The Development of Portable Body Balance Testing System for Posture of Standing and Sitting

  17. 静态负重和负重作业姿势对人体平衡功能的影响规律

    Influence Law of Balance Function of Body with Static Load and Loaded Operation Posture

  18. 方法从能量分析的角度提出了人体平衡的动力学稳定区域。

    Method A dynamic stability region , which based on energy analyses , is promoted .

  19. 该文研究了噪声强度、噪声频率、噪声暴露时间对人体平衡的影响。

    In this paper , the experimental study on effects of noise was carried out .

  20. 高精度气液相平衡实验系统的建立和实验测定便携式人体平衡测试仪的信度及敏感性研究

    DEVELOPMENT OF ACCURATE VAPOR-LIQUID EQUILIBRIA MEASUREMENT APPARATUS Validity and Sensitivity of Portable Body Balance Testing System

  21. 人体平衡问题探讨

    Discussion on balance of human body

  22. 着重介绍了康复的医学原理和人体平衡能力的测试方法。

    Emphasized to introduce the test method of the medical science principle and human body equilibrium ability for recover from illness .

  23. 人体平衡功能检测系列研究(1):正常人静态姿势平衡的定量评定及性别、年龄的差异

    Studies of human body balance function . Part ⅰ: Evaluation of normal subject postural sway and the differences in gender and age groups

  24. 对人体平衡机能的检测和分析是判断人体是否有平衡机能障碍疾病和其平衡障碍程度的重要依据。

    Test and analysis on body balance function is an important judge basis if one has handicap of balance function and the degree of it .

  25. 田径运动中的平衡是动态平衡,活体特征使人体平衡与刚体平衡有本质区别。

    Movement balance in track and field is dynamic equilibrium . With active characteristics , human balance differs greatly from the balance of rigid body .

  26. 人体平衡功能的研究在许多领域受到重视,目前已涉及医学、康复医学、航空医学、体育运动和作业安全等领域。

    Study on human balance function is getting attention in many fields , including the fields of medical , rehabilitation medicine , aviation medicine , sports and work security .

  27. 运用运动生物力学关于“人体平衡”的原理指导教学,可收到事半功倍的效果。

    We will yield twice the result with half the effort if we quide our teaching through the principle of " Balance of the Body " in motorial mechanics .

  28. 本研究获得了以下几点主要结论;(1)劳动生理负荷水平(用心率表示)对人体平衡功能的影响非常显著。

    The main conclusions are as follows : ( 1 ) The influence of the working physiological load level ( express with heart rate ) on function of body balance was very prominent .

  29. 作业工人在操作便携式工具作业时,有时受到立地条件的限制,在负重条件下还要承受振动、噪声和温、湿度等作业环境的影响,人体平衡功能受到影响。

    When the workers work with the portable forest machine , the body balance is influenced by the conditions , such as vibrancy , noise , temperature and humidity , caused by the limit of landform sometimes .

  30. 基于重复性分析平衡测试指标的一次筛选为了验证人体平衡仪测试系统的重复性,本论文选取少量人群进行重复测试。

    The first filter of repetitive analysis of the balance testing index . This paper selects a few people to repeat the test which is in order to verify the repeatability balance test system of the human being .