
  • 网络Instant Rice;Het-Bahn
  1. 加强对方便米饭滋味方面的研究是今后研究的方向。

    Strengthening study of instant rice taste is the study trend later .

  2. 微波热风干燥挤压方便米饭的脱水和复水数学模型的建立

    Modeling Dehydration and Rehydration of Instant Rice Subjected to Combined Microwave-Hot-Air Drying

  3. 最后,探讨了热风干燥中干燥温度和时间对方便米饭复水率和品质的影响,结果显示80?C下干燥90min最佳。

    Finally , the influence of drying temperature was discussed , drying with hot air for 90 min at 80 ?

  4. 研究了井冈红米方便米饭的加工工艺,通过优化参数,得出最佳工艺条件:浸泡温度为30℃,时间为60min;红色(英文)

    In this article , we studied the processing techniques of the instant Jinggang red rice , and obtained the optimal production conditions by parameter selecting . The optimal conditions were : dipping temperature at 30 ℃; dipping for 60 min ;

  5. 简便插秧机人机系统的研究日式方便米饭的工艺改进

    Research of man-machine system of simple and convenient rice planting machine

  6. 井冈红米方便米饭加工工艺研究

    Research of the Processing Techniques of Instant Jinggang Red Rice

  7. 方便米饭生产线卸料机组设计

    Design for the unloading machine of convenient rice product line

  8. 加工工艺条件对α-方便米饭复水特性及其感官品质的影响

    Effects of Processing Technology on Rehydration Characteristics and Sensory Evaluation of Instant Rice

  9. 浸泡处理对方便米饭品质的影响

    Effect of soaking treatment on quality of instant rice

  10. 酶法浸泡及微波热风干燥对方便米饭复水时间影响的研究

    Effect of Enzymic-soak and Microwave-hot Air Drying on Rehydration Time of Rice Time

  11. 冻干方便米饭复水品质的研究

    The Re-hydration Quality of Freeze Dried Instant Rice

  12. 大米的特性对方便米饭生产工艺的影响

    Influence of the Characteristics of Rice on the Production Process of Instant Cooked Rice

  13. 本课题旨在研究即食方便米饭的老化机理及其生产工艺的改进。

    This study mainly focused on retrogradation of instant rice and improvement of processing .

  14. 方便米饭的老化机理研究

    Study on Retrogradation Mechanism of Instant Rice

  15. 改善方便米饭品质的研究

    Study on Improving Quality of Instant Rice

  16. 原子荧光光谱法测定方便米饭中砷的测量不确定度评定

    Evaluation of Uncertainty in Measurement for the AFS Determination of Arsenic in Instant Fried Rice

  17. 方便米饭回生抑制研究

    Research on anti-retrogradation of instant rice

  18. 日式方便米饭的工艺改进

    Technological improvement of Japanese convenient rice

  19. 挤压方便米饭及其生产工艺

    Processing of extruded instant rice

  20. 方便米饭兼顾这两大消费趋势必将受到欢迎。

    With the advantages of meeting these two consumption trends , instant rice will be welcomed surely .

  21. 介绍了方便米饭生产的工艺流程及其原理,同时给出了各工段的工艺参数。

    The paper introduces the technological procedure and principle of instant rice production and offers the process parameter .

  22. 在方便米饭生产过程中,水分变化情况对米饭品质的影响很大。

    In the process of producing instant rice , the moisture content change significantly impacted on its quality .

  23. 研究结果表明,100℃的蒸煮温度适合制备热干型方便米饭。

    These studies suggest that the appropriate cooking temperature for the preparation of hot-air dried instant rice is100 ℃ .

  24. 肉制品、冷冻食品、罐头食品、素食食品、方便米饭、宠物食品、调味品等;

    Canned food products ; Soy food products ; Instant rice product ; Pet food products ; Seasoning products ;

  25. 方便米饭具有易携带、食用方便、健康安全等特点,深受米食消费者的喜爱。

    Instant rice already attracts many consumers that were accustomed to rice diet because it is easy to carry , convenient to edible , safe and healthy .

  26. 方便米饭是一种新兴方便食品,与刚制备出来的米饭相比,复水特性和食味品质都存在一定差异。

    Instant rice is a newly emerging convenience food . There were great difference between instant rice and fresh rice . Its rehydration capability and texture are always poor .

  27. 对常见几种干燥方法对营养强化方便米饭复水性的影响进行了图像分析和对比试验。

    In this paper , the effects of some traditional drying methods on the reconstituability of instant rice with intensified nutrition were investigated by means of rice image analyses and experiments .

  28. 长期以来,方便米饭的复水特性和食用品质是制约其发展的主要症结之一,人们为此进行了不懈的努力。

    Rehydration characteristic and edible quality of instant rice is one of the sticking points that restricted its development since it was invented , therefore people made unremitting efforts for its improving .

  29. 国内外方便米饭的生产工艺都是大米浸泡→蒸煮→离散→干燥→包装,但在各个生产步骤上都有着不同的标准要求,也直接影响着方便米饭的食用品质。

    Process of domestic and foreign instant rice are soaking rice , steaming , seperating , drying and packaging , but there are different standard demands at every producing step , also influence directly eating quality of instant rice .

  30. 方便软米饭的研制

    Research and development of instant and soft rice