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  1. 由于牵扯的利益方太多,很难找到解决之道。

    Solutions have been hard to find because there are so many stakeholders .

  2. 水瓶座的一方太过孤僻,而你占有性过强,真有点水火不容的驾势。

    The Water-bearer is too much of a loner and you always want to own or possess your partner .

  3. 国际石油市场过于复杂,市场参与方太多,有太多掩盖交易的手段可以选择。

    The international oil market is too complex , with too many players and too many options to disguise transactions .

  4. 近年来,方太卫浴(香港)股份有限公司不断推出高技术含量的卫浴产品,致力于提高人们的生活品质,满足人们不断变化的卫浴需求。

    In recent years , Guangdong Chaoan Meijieshi Ceramics Factory has introduced high-tech bath products , dedicated to enhancing people 's quality of life , people are changing to meet the sanitary needs .

  5. 同时,利用运筹学的排队论、运输问题求解等理论对回采工作面接替进行优化,并提出了最佳接替方太原理工大学硕士研究生学位论文案。

    At the same time , making use of the theories of operational research and conveyance problem etc , the paper optimized the superseding of mining working face and put forward the best superseding project .