
  • 网络Azimuthal Projection
  1. 组织工程I.,概论:投影片提供组织工程概要说明。这种投影称作方位投影。

    Tissue Engineering I. Overview : These slides provide an overview of tissue engineering . This is called an azimuthal projection .

  2. 伪方位投影的分析研究

    An Analysis on the Pseudo - Azimuthal Projection

  3. 从平射方位投影推探地图投影的变形规律

    Approaching the Deformed Law of Map Projection from Flat Fire Projection

  4. 三维脑电数据的方位投影显示

    The Azimuth Projection for the Display of Three Dimensional EEG Data

  5. 新疆维吾尔自治区斜轴等面积方位投影的研究

    A study of oblique azimuthal equal area projection of Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region

  6. 空间斜方位投影研究

    The Research on the Space Oblique Azimuth Projection

  7. 这种投影称作方位投影。

    This is called an azimuthal projection .

  8. 圆柱投影、圆锥投影和方位投影的统一数学模型及应用比较研究

    The Unified Mathematical Model for Cylindrical , Conical and Azimuthal Projections and Comparative Study of Their Application

  9. 兰伯特等积方位投影

    Lambert 's zenithal equal-area projection

  10. 文中还讨论了辅助球适宜的大小和不同方位投影之间的变换公式。

    The size of the auxiliary sphere and the transformation formulas between azimuthal projections have been discussed as well .

  11. 从4个不同角度,给出了4个良好的中国全图伪方位投影设计方案。

    Lastly , based on different viewpoints , four pseudo-azimuthal projection schemes for the whole chinese territory have been suggested .

  12. 文章在透视方位投影的基础上,应用归纳方法,提出方位投影的一个概略公式。

    Based on perspective azimuthal projection , a synoptical formula has been set forth in this report by using concluding methods .

  13. 设计伪方位投影时,ρ、δ形式确定及参数选取的原则;

    2 , The principles of defining the forms of ρ and δ and of selecting parameters when designing a pseudo-azimuthal projection .

  14. 本文推导了基于月球参考球的各种投影公式,主要包括方位投影、圆柱投影和圆锥投影;

    In this paper , a series of lunar map projection formulas are deduced including azimuthal projections , cylindrical projections and conical projections .

  15. 传统的方位投影技术,已在铀矿地质勘查、储量计算图件绘制中应用。

    Azimuthal projection is a kind of projection technology with long history , and has been widely used in map-making of uranium geological exploration and reserves calculation .

  16. 伪方位投影具有闭合的变形曲线,它对于面积和角度变形都有相当要求的区域地图是较为适宜的。

    The pseudo-azimuthal projection has a closed isoline of deformation . It is suitable for regional maps usually put forward certain requirements in both areal and angular deformations .

  17. 卫星获取遥感图像的过程是与时间T有关的动态过程,在动态情况下获取的图像数据可以用动态的空间方位投影来描述。

    The process of obtaining remote sensing images by satellites is a dynamic process that relating to time t , the image data obtained under the dynamic condition can be described by the dynamic space oblique azimuth projection .

  18. 目的:研究颅底骨性结构在头颅表面各个方位投影位置,为鼻咽癌放疗设野和颅底手术定位提供解剖学基础。

    Objective : To study the projective positions of some bony structures of cranial base on cranial surface with different orientations to provide an anatomical basis for designing a fields of radiotherapy of nasopharyngeal carcinoma and for the location of surgical incision of skull base .

  19. 南极地区常用的地图投影方式有:极方位立体投影、横轴墨卡托投影、兰伯特正形圆锥投影等三种等角投影。

    There are three popular map projections in Antarctica-Polar Stereographic Projection , Transverse Mecator Projection and Lambert Conformal Conic Projection .

  20. 方位谱估计投影法的改进

    Improvement of projection approach to bearing estimations