
  1. 帕姆正在往烤鸡上淋油。

    Pam was in the middle of basting the turkey

  2. 帕姆正在往烤鸡上淋油

    Pam was in the middle of basting the turkey .

  3. 应采用剑麻绳芯,捻股和检绳时都应淋油,钢丝绳表面脂应满足气温环境要求。

    The sisal hemp shmp should be used as rope core , oiling should be carried out in wire stranding and twisting , and the surface grease for the wire rope should be adapted to environment temperature .

  4. 一手缓缓淋入橄榄油,一手不停地快速搅打。

    Slowly drizzle in the olive oil with one hand while vigorously whisking the mixture with the other .

  5. 水果切片被放置在长叶莴苣的底床上,顶端放上面包丁,淋上核桃油。

    The fruit slivers were placed on a bed of romaine lettuce , topped with croutons and drizzled with walnut oil .

  6. 陈光标宴请的菜单包括芝麻吞拿鱼、牛排和淋上鲜奶油的浆果。

    Mr. Chen , who made his money in the recycling business , served up a menu of sesame-seed-encrusted tuna , beef filet and berries with cr è me fraiche .

  7. 成都街头至少有上百种特色小吃,比如酸辣粉,还有“龙抄手”(水煮馄饨淋上辣椒油、胡椒和葱花)。

    The streets hold more than 100 varieties of street snacks , from savory jelly noodles to " dragon lifting a hand " ( poached wontons drizzled in toasty chili oil , pepper corns and green onion ) .

  8. 只要在面包上擦上新鲜的蒜蓉和大量熟番茄,然后淋一点橄榄油和盐即可。

    Just rub some bread with fresh garlic and plenty of ripe tomato , then drizzle with olive oil and salt .