
  • 网络lymphatic system;lymph vascular system;lymphatic vascular system;lymphatic vessel system
  1. 淋巴管系统在维持哺乳动物体液平衡和转运大分子或免疫细胞的过程中扮演着非常重要的角色。

    The lymphatic system plays essential roles in the maintenance of tissue fluid homeostasis , transportation of macromolecules as well as immune cells into the blood circulation in mammals .

  2. 该法使肿瘤的血管和淋巴管系统成为一个崭新的、有希望的抗肿瘤的靶点。

    The therapy has become a brand new and hopeful target of anti-tumors .

  3. 猫内囊组织间液经淋巴管前淋巴系统的引流

    Drainage of interstitial fluid of cat internal capsule via pre lymphatic - lymphatic system

  4. 研究背景:淋巴管是心血管循环系统的重要辅助系统,在调节体内渗透压、维持内环境稳定以及免疫、炎症反应中发挥重要作用。

    Background : Lymphatic system is an significant auxiliary system in cardiovascular circulatory system for its critical role in the regulation of the osmotic pressure , environmental stability , immunity and inflammation .

  5. 从淋巴管内皮细胞发育成为成熟的带有正常平滑肌细胞覆盖和瓣膜的淋巴管系统是一个非常复杂的过程,受到各种不同基因的调控。

    Lymphatic development is controlled by many genes , which regulates various events including lymphatic endothelial cell functions , the formation of a well-organized mature lymphatic vasculature with smooth muscle cell coverage and valves .

  6. 淋巴系统:是一个通过淋巴管将身体内有淋巴组织构成的器官连接起来的网络结构,淋巴管就像血液循环系统的网络结构一样。

    The Lymphatic system : This is a network which links the organs of the body containing lymphoid tissue , by a series of channels similar to the circulatory system for the blood .