
rǔ mí xiōnɡ
  • chylothorax;chylous hydropneumothorax
  1. 术后乳糜胸A组0例,B组4例(2.0%),两组比较有显著差异(P<0.05)。

    Case of postoperative chylothorax were found in group B , but none in group A. There was a statistically significant difference ( P < 0.05 ) .

  2. 结论:先天性心脏病手术后并发的乳糜胸经保守治疗多可痊愈。冠心病(CHD)在病因、发病年龄等诸多方面存在性别差异。

    Conclusion : Postoperative chylothorax in CHD patients may mainly cured by conservatively treat . Therearediferencesinthepathogenesisandonsetageofcoronaryheartdisease ( CHD ) betweentwosexes .

  3. 结论育龄期妇女如反复发生气胸及出现原因不明的呼吸困难、咯血或乳糜胸,应疑诊PLAM,及时行HRCT及肺功能检查,必要时肺活检,以明确病理诊断。

    Conclusion PLAM should be suspected in women of child bearing age if there were recurrent pneumothorax and unknown etiological dyspnea , hemoptysis or chylothorax . Lung function test and HRCT should be immediately performed for an early diagnosis .

  4. 食管癌术后乳糜胸16例临床分析

    Clinic study of chylothorax after esophagectomy : Report of 16 cases

  5. 肺癌与食管癌术后乳糜胸的比较

    Clinical features of postoperative chylothorax for lung cancer and esophageal cancer

  6. 食管癌贲门癌术后乳糜胸的处理

    The Management of Postoperative Chylothorax for Esophageal and Cardiac Carcinoma

  7. 乳糜胸的诊断和治疗(3例罕见病例报告)

    Diagnosis and treatment of chylothorax ( report of 3 rare cases )

  8. 淋巴管平滑肌瘤病致乳糜胸水、乳糜腹水一例报告

    Chylous pleural fluid and ascites induced by lymphangioleiomyomatosis : a case report

  9. 食管癌术后迟发性乳糜胸的诊断和外科治疗

    Diagnosis and Surgical Treatment of Late Chylothorax by Post - esophagus Cancer

  10. 复杂性先天性心脏病手术后乳糜胸的治疗体会

    Management of postoperative chylothorax in patients with congenital heart disease

  11. 顺铂胸腔灌注法治疗胸部手术后乳糜胸

    Infusion of Cisplatin for Treating Chylothorax after Chest Surgery

  12. 合理选择胸导管结扎预防食管癌术后乳糜胸

    Reasonable Selection of Thoracic Duct Ligation for Postoperative Chylothorax Prophylaxis in Esophageal Cancer

  13. 食管癌术后乳糜胸的回顾性分析(1998~2005年)

    Retrospective analysis on chylothorax after the operation for esophagus carcinoma ( 1998-2005yr )

  14. 最后认为,胸导管结扎是预防术后乳糜胸发生的有效方法,应引起重视。

    Conclusion : Ductus thoracicus ligation is an effective method to prevent postoperative chylothorax .

  15. 开胸术后乳糜胸19例治疗分析

    Treatment Analysis of Postoperative Chylothorax in Thoracic Operation

  16. 颈廓清术并发颈乳糜瘘及乳糜胸的治疗

    Cervical chylous fistula and chylothorax after neck dissection

  17. 目的探讨食管癌术后乳糜胸的防治方法。

    [ Objective ] To investigate the prevention and treatments for chylothorax following esophagectomy .

  18. 本文介绍了两例因食管癌切除术后乳糜胸。

    Clinical experience in two cases of iatrogenic chylothorax after oesophageal resection is presented .

  19. 创伤性乳糜胸不同的条件声暴露对豚鼠噪声性聋保护作用的影响

    TRAUMATIC CHYLOTHORAX Effect of different duration of conditioning exposure on hearing loss following noise trauma

  20. 创伤性乳糜胸1例

    Traumatic chylothorax : report of one case

  21. 乳糜胸和肺漏气的治疗(附20例临床分析)

    Therapy of chylopleura and pulmonary air leakage ( an clinical analysis of 20 cases )

  22. 胸腔内注射滑石粉治疗乳糜胸

    Intrapleural administration of talcum powder in chylothorax

  23. 婴儿乳糜胸一例报告

    A case of an infant with chylothorax

  24. 乳糜胸的早期诊治颅咽管瘤的早期诊断和治疗

    Early Diagnosis and Treatment of Chylothorax

  25. 结论核素淋巴显像在婴儿及儿童诊断乳糜胸腹水中具有定性及大致定位的重要作用。

    Conclusion Lymphoscintigraphy has the qualitative and orientational effect on diagnosis of children with chylous ascites .

  26. 早期查觉乳糜胸迳行治疗,使得病人早日康复。

    Early detection and treatment of a chylothorax can result the patient having an early recovery .

  27. 发生低心排血量综合征12例,乳糜胸11例。

    Of them , 12 cases had low cardiac output syndrome , and 11 cases of chylothorax .

  28. 临床证明:胸导管结扎术是目前治疗创伤性乳糜胸的最优手术方法之一。

    It is suggested that ligation of thoracic duct for traumatic chylothorax is the most effective method .

  29. 图示乳糜胸,右胸膜腔充满黄褐色云絮状液体。

    The right pleural cavity is filled with a cloudy yellowish-tan fluid , characteristic for a chylothorax .

  30. 创伤性乳糜胸的外科治疗

    Surgical Treatment of Traumatic Chylothorax