
  • 网络Breast examination;Mammary gland inspection
  1. 多层螺旋CT乳腺检查方法与应用价值探讨

    The exploration of the examination methods and the application value of multislice helical CT in breast

  2. 结论:将普通钼靶X线机与CR系统结合实现了乳腺检查的半数字化,具有良好的诊断效果。

    Conclusion : The semi-digital examination of breast has to come true by the combination of ordinary molybdenum target X-ray apparatus with CR system , which possess satisfactory effect of diagnosis .

  3. 乳腺检查无异常后,治疗组予以替勃龙2.5mg/d口服治疗,疗程6月;

    Therapy group was given tibolone 2.5mg/d orally for 6 months .

  4. 带有风险基因的人是否需要更多的乳腺检查或选择乳腺切除?

    Would gene carriers get extra breast checks or choose breast removal ?

  5. 肿块是在常规乳腺检查时发现的。

    The lump was discovered during routine breast screening .

  6. 乳腺检查:医生对乳腺进行检查,可以极大程度上避免乳腺癌的发生。

    Breast exam : The breast exam performed by a physician is an important preventative measure to take to lower your breast cancer risk .

  7. 法采用横断面调查方法,对哈尔滨地区17809名参加保险的健康妇女进行了问卷调查及乳腺检查。

    METHOD By cross - sectional investigation , total number of 17 809 well women who insured themselves filled in questionnaires and took the breast examination .

  8. 方法对638名健康体检的妇女进行常规乳腺检查,对可疑病例建议手术并送病理。

    [ Methods ] Routine breast examination was carried out on 638 women who received physical examination and suspected cases were sent for operation and pathology .

  9. 方法:对191例正常志愿者的电阻抗扫描乳腺检查数据,分别计算其相应的电阻抗实部、虚部、幅值、相位等参数。

    METHODS : The data of 191 normal volunteers were calculated to get the real part , imaginary part , amplitude and phase of electrical impedance , respectively .

  10. 首先是培训助产士和其他农村卫生医疗服务者进行正规乳腺检查。

    First , train midwives and other rural health providers to perform regular breast exams , using the power of touch in places where mammography machines simply are too expensive .

  11. 目的:探讨计算机X线摄影系统(CR系统)在乳腺X线检查中的应用价值。

    Purpose : To explore the diagnostic value of CR in the breast by radiography .

  12. 结论:乳腺超声检查和钼靶摄像联合诊断可提高DCIS的诊断率。

    Conclusion : Breast ultrasound and mammography combine diagnosis DCIS that can increase the rate of diagnosis .

  13. 结论SE、TSE应为乳腺MR检查的常规序列,脂肪抑制成像序列必不可少,MR增强扫描对病灶的定性诊断很有价值,尤其是FLASH动态增强扫描。

    Conclusion SE and TSE sequence should be the conventional sequences of breast MR scanning . FS sequence is a necessary sequence in breast MR scanning . Contrast-enhanced MR scanning may play an important role in diagnosis breast lesion , especially contrast-enhanced dynamic FLASH MRI .

  14. 616例妇女乳腺超声检查结果分析

    The result analysis of 616 cases female breast with ultrasonic imaging

  15. 钼靶X线与彩色多普勒超声在乳腺病变检查中的价值

    Diagnostic Value of Mammography and Color Doppler Ultrasound in Breast Lesions

  16. 大部分病例同时做近红外线扫描、B超、乳腺X线检查。

    Meanwhile , infrared ray scanning B ultrasound and X rays were performed .

  17. 接受电脑红外线乳腺透照检查者的焦虑情绪分析与护理脑卒中住院患者抑郁情绪分析及护理

    Depression analysis and nursing care of stroke inpatients

  18. 全数字化摄影对5800名女性乳腺影像检查结果分析

    Full-Field Digital Mammography screening analysis of 5800 women

  19. 激素替代治疗前乳腺X线检查的重要性

    Importance of mammography before hormone replacement therapy

  20. 然而,常用的乳腺癌检查方法并不能够很好地胜任早期普查。

    However , common methods for breast examination are not competent for early general investigation .

  21. 乳腺X线检查的临床应用及进展

    Clinical Application and Improvement of Mammography

  22. 接受乳腺癌检查的妇女。

    Women screened for breast cancer .

  23. 腋下淋巴结肿大50例,占25%。结论:钼钯X线机是乳腺癌检查的首选,对早期诊断及鉴别诊断很有价值。

    Conclusion : the molybdenum target radigraphy is very valuable in the diagnosis and differentiating diagnosis of breast cancer .

  24. 方法对2783例妇女进行妇科常规查体、妇科超声检查、宫颈脱落细胞学检查和乳腺红外线检查。

    Methods 2 783 women received conventional gynecological examination , ultrasonography , cervical smear cytological examination and mammary infra-red scanning .

  25. 由于全自动乳腺超声检查,5例病人进行了复查,其中1例是由于库珀韧带阴影造成的假阳性。

    Because of ABUS results , five patients were recalled with one false-positive case due to Cooper 's ligament shadowing .

  26. 这项运动的大使也向年轻女性和教堂的人宣传乳腺自我检查和乳腺癌的有关知识。

    The program 's ambassadors also speak to young women and church groups about breast self-examinations and breast cancer awareness .

  27. 体检和钼靶X线与超声对151例乳腺肿块检查结果比较分析

    To compare and analyze the results of 151 cases of breast tumour taken by physical examination , mammography and ultrasonography

  28. 虽然,这听起来像是一件好事,但它实际上反映了接受乳腺X线检查的妇女数量的下降。

    While this sounds like a good thing , it actually reflects a decline in the number of women getting mammograms .

  29. 虽然这是一个好消息,但如今越来越多的妇女也不再接受必要的乳腺X线检查以诊断乳腺癌。

    Even though that is good news , more and more women are also not receiving the necessary mammograms to diagnose breast cancer .

  30. 社区30~50岁女性乳腺X线检查意向及影响因素的调查分析

    A survey of the status and influence factors of the intention of future mammography screening among women aged 30 ~ 50 in community