
  • 网络Natures Services;nature's service;NatureServe
  1. 无名氏等人希望移民与自然服务部门(INS)能够允许他们将其签证转到新的公司。

    They must either return to India , or find another job in a tight job market and hope that the Immigration and Naturalization Services ( INS ) allows them to transfer their visa to the new company .

  2. 判定标准包括生物多样性富集区、大片景观森林、珍稀濒危生态系统、提供基本的自然服务功能及具有重要社会文化价值5个方面。

    The criteria involve biodiversity-rich region , the large forest landscape , rare and endangered ecosystems , to meet the basic natural services and the important social and cultural value forest regions .

  3. 随着高程由高到底的空间变化,自然资源服务价值在和GDP都在由小变大。

    With hypsography becoming low , the service value of natural resource and GDP both increased .

  4. 从小流域各高程段总体TSV与自然资源服务价值的比值关系看,随地势降低,这一比值增加,说明自然资源的开发利用程度越来越高;

    With hypsography became low , the ratio between TSV and the service value of natural resource increased , which could be explained as : with hypsography becoming low , more and more natural resource was exploited ;

  5. 他想以掌握自然来服务并造福于人类。

    He wanted to command nature for the service and welfare of man .

  6. 城市的生态基础设施是城市居民持续获得自然生态服务的保障。

    The city 's ecological infrastructure guarantees urban resident to keep on acquiring natural ecological service .

  7. 灵感源于自然,服务重在实现,引领潮流、超越时尚。

    Inspiration comes from nature , the most importance of service is realize , Leading current , Overstep vogue .

  8. 因此,测量人类对自然生态服务的需求与自然所能提供的生态服务之间的差距具有重要的意义。

    Therefore , it has significant sense to measure the gap between the ecological services of natural human needs and natural ecosystem services .

  9. 因为在拉法耶特看来,以国家统一者的身份出现正是为维护人类不可侵犯的自然权利服务的。

    Because Lafayette deemed that he appeared to the identity of national unity just serviced for the safeguarding of the inviolability of the natural rights of human .

  10. 论文的第二部分提出了研究中所遵循的6点理念,即保护第一、地方特色、可持续发展、以人为本、回归自然、服务一体化;

    The second part of the thesis has put forward 6 ideas , " protect first , local characteristic , sustainable development , human-oriented , returning to nature , and serving integrating ";

  11. 大学生通过训练,培养他们树立明确的人生目标、敢于挑战自我极限、具有克服困难的毅力、培养健康的心理素质和积极进取的人生态度、增强团结合作的团队意识、热爱自然和服务社会的精神。

    By means of the outward bound , university students can set their clear life goal , cultivate their healthy psychological quality and enterprising spirit , increase their awareness of teamwork , etc.

  12. 在20世纪中国的发展历程中,地球物理在资源探查、环境保护和减轻自然灾害服务等诸多方面发挥了举足轻重的作用。

    During the development progress of China in the 20th century , geophysics played an important role in many fields such as resource investigation , environment protection and the reduce of natural disasters .

  13. 说明珠中江地区居民的幸福指数相对较高,社会及自然的服务功能比较完善,能源的循环利用效率高,环境保护效果比较好。

    Happiness index of residents here is relatively high , social and natural service function is comparatively perfect , energy of recycling use is in high efficiency , effect of environmental protection is good .

  14. 从公路三级自然区划服务的角度和对象出发,在中国现行公路一、二级自然区划标志体系的基础上,提出了同一公路的三级自然区划应具有的相似性特征;

    Based on the current first and second natural division for highway construction in China , the third level natural division was studied , the analogical characteristics of the third level division was presented .

  15. 这是自然资源保护服务国家植物数据中心的网站。

    This is the website of the NRCS National Plant Data Center .

  16. 无锡市自然生态系统服务功能价值评估

    Assessment of Urban Ecosystem Services in Wuxi City

  17. 为协调人与自然的关系服务;

    Harmonizing the relationships between man and nature ;

  18. 在自然灾害信息服务系统中,地理信息检索服务具有重要地位。

    This makes geographic information retrieval service as a significant part in natural disaster information service system .

  19. 本文采用本体的思想,研究面向地理事件的地理信息检索技术,以满足自然灾害信息服务需求。

    The paper uses ontology idea in researching geographic event oriented geographic information retrieval technology to fulfill the requirement of natural disaster information service .

  20. 因此,土地利用以及由此导致的土地覆盖变化对维持自然生态系统服务功能与自然资源的可持续利用起着决定性的作用。

    Therefore , land use and the resulting maintenance of natural land cover change on ecosystem services and sustainable use of natural resources play a decisive role .

  21. 本文通过研究网络背景下学生自主学习,以图进而认识21世纪学校教育为学生发展服务、为社会文明进步服务、为人类与自然和谐共处服务的学习规律。

    By studying students ' self-regulated learning in web-based environment this article focuses on acquiring the rule that education serves students ' development , society 's civilization , man and nature living together harmoniously .

  22. 通过对烟台自然博物馆社会服务职能的分析定位,对如何在新时期更好开展博物馆社会服务职能工作有一定交流借鉴价值。

    In this paper , social service functions and the position of Yantai Natural Museum have been analyzed , which will provide some references for carrying out the work of social services in the museum .

  23. 对公园的管理方针的满意率为50.4%,对质量方针的认可率依次由高到低为山水文化、现代自然、贴心服务、情系公园。

    The satisfied rate for the park management is 50.4 % , and to the approbatory rate of quality standard guideline , the orders from top to low are landscape culture , modern nature , good service and being concerned park .

  24. 海南省自然保护区生态服务价值评估

    Assessment of Ecosystem Service Value of Natural Reserve in Hainan Island

  25. 促进自然分娩产时服务模式的临床研究

    Clinical Research on Service Model of Promoting Natural Delivery during Labor Process

  26. 中国自然草地生态系统服务价值

    Study on valuation of rangeland ecosystem services of China

  27. 厦门滨海自然湿地生态系统服务价值的变化研究

    Study on the Change of Service Value of Natural Coastal Wetlands in Xiamen City

  28. 松山自然保护区净化服务功能及生态经济价值研究

    Purifying service of Songshan Mountain and its value

  29. 科技大大提高了人类利用自然力为人类服务的能力。

    A.technology has greatly increased human being 's power to harness natural force for human purposes .

  30. 新疆艾比湖湿地自然保护区生态服务功能及价值研究

    The Study on the Service Functions and Valuations of Eco-system of the Ebinur Lake Wetland Natural Reserve District in Xinjiang