
  • 网络autosampler;auto sampler;automatic sampler
  1. 用带能谱的高分辨率透射电镜(HETEM/EDS)和ESEM/EDS来检测TSP中的颗粒物,其中TSP是由自动采样器来采集的。

    HRTEM / EDS and ESEM / EDS were used to test the particles in TSP collected by automatic sampler .

  2. 采用由程序控制的自动采样器、自动稀释器和流动注射微生物传感器组成的BOD在线自动监测仪,对污水BOD进行了在线自动监测。

    The sewage 's BOD 5 was determined by an on line and auto monitoring instrument , which consisted of automatic sampler system , automatic diluting device , flow injection system and BOD 5 microbial sensor .

  3. 溶液酸度在线检测装置,设有防污过滤器、自动采样器、蠕动泵、小型管道pH传感器和控制电路等。

    The device is composed of a sampling head , a peristaltic pump , a flow through pH detector and control circuit . The device can perform pH detection automatically .

  4. 空管全程半自动采样器的研制与使用

    The all-way semi-automatic sampler of the empty tube type and its use

  5. 污水处理厂进水自动采样器及自动采样系统设计

    Design of Automatic Sampler and Automatic Sampling System for Influent of WWTP

  6. 降雨径流水样自动采样器的研制

    The Development of An Automatic Rainfall Runoff Water Sampler

  7. JY-1型卷烟烟雾多功能自动采样器的研制

    Development of multi-function automatic sampler for cigarette smog

  8. 我国降水自动采样器的现状、存在的问题和今后的发展趋势。

    The status , constraints and trends of automatic rainfall monitor in our country .

  9. 基于单片机控制的孔隙水自动采样器基于压电基片微液滴间隙式驱动研究

    Automatic core water sampler based on microcontroller Study on a Droplet Driven Intermittently on Piezo-Electric Substrate

  10. 使用空管全程半自动采样器,采样准确、安全、快速、经济。

    The all-way semi-automatic sampler of the empty tube type is accurate , safe , fast and economic in operation .

  11. 建议在设计标准中把均匀抽出器作为油罐的一个配件与原油自动采样器有机地结合起来;

    It was suggested that in design standard the even suction device should be considered as an attachment of oil tank and integrated with the automatic crude sampler .

  12. 自动连续雨水采样器连续平幅水洗联合机

    Continuous open-width washing range

  13. 双臂全断面煤流自动取样机采样器的运动原理及参数的优化

    Principle of motion and optimization of parameters for the sampler of double ARM-FULL SECTION-AUTO sampling machine used in coal flow sampling

  14. 全自动采制样及检测系统在烧结矿生产在线质量控制中的应用基于单片机控制的孔隙水自动采样器

    Application of Quality Control in On-line Sinter Production by Automatic Sampling and Testing Device Automatic core water sampler based on microcontroller