
  • 网络dust sampler
  1. CHC型长周期呼吸性粉尘采样器的研制

    Research and Development of Type CHC Long Period Respirable Dust Sampler

  2. 在YA-1型肺通气量仪上增设一个粉尘采样器,使该仪器既能测定肺通气量,又能测定空气中的粉尘浓度。

    The addition of a dust sampler to the Respiratory Volume Meter makes it Possible to measure both respiratory volume and dust concentration in air .

  3. 用粉尘采样器采集沈阳地区十五个点的大气漂尘,用四氯化碳进行萃取,在1730型FT-IR光谱仪上进行红外定量,绘制沈阳地区大气飘尘及其烃类含量分布图。

    Fly ash of 15 chosen areas of Shenyang was sampled Hydrocarbons were extracted by carbon tetrachloride and determined by a 1730 FT-IR spectrometer .

  4. 粉尘采样器计量检定的误差分析和不确定度评定

    Error Analysis and Uncertainty Assessment of Metrological Verification of Dust Sampler

  5. 用自动调速方法实现恒流量的粉尘采样器

    Using Automatic Governing to Realize Constant Flow Dust Sampling

  6. 粉尘采样器空气恒流量控制方法

    Method of Controlling Constant Air Flow

  7. 呼吸性粉尘个体采样器气流脉动的研究

    Researches in air - flow pulsating of individual breathing powder samplers DUST EXPLOSION

  8. 煤矿呼吸性粉尘冲击采样器原理与设计探讨

    Discussion on Principle and Design of Impactor for Respirable Dust Sampling in Underground Mine

  9. 并结合β射线粉尘仪采样器控制要求,分别设计了抽气泵,电磁铁,步进电机的控制程序。

    Allowing forthe β - ray Dust Monitor Sampling control requirements , designs are made for the airpump , solenoid , stepper motor control program .