
  • 网络Fanling
  1. 粉岭扶轮青年中心及宿舍

    Fanling Rotary Youth Centre cum Hostel

  2. 一家人有时会到粉岭别墅度周末,共享天伦之乐。

    Sometimes , Betty and I and other members of the family spend a nice weekend together at Fanling Lodge .

  3. 粉岭祥华社区会堂。

    Cheung Wah estate community hall , fanling .

  4. 欧晖先生凭优胜比赛作品“粉岭古典汽车博物馆”夺得2007年度香港青年建筑师奖冠军。

    He was awarded Champion of2007 Hong Kong Young Architects Award for his winning project " Fanling Classic Car Museum " .

  5. 粉岭及上水占地约773公顷,人口约有207000。[美口]与某人约会(常指与异性朋友约会)

    Fanling and Sheung Shui sustain a population of around 207000 people on about 773 hectares of land . Make a date with sb .

  6. 粉岭军地村农民水利有限责任合作社新界百福鸡岭村居民福利会有限公司

    " Fanling Kwun Ti Village Farmers ' Irrigation Co-operative Society , Limited " Pak Fook Kai Ling Villages ( New Territories ) Residents Welfare Association Limited

  7. 我要往祠堂里哭太爷去.年内,有两幢历史建筑物公布为古迹,包括粉岭老围及松岭邓公祠。

    Let me go to the Ancestral Temple and weep for my old master Two historical buildings , Lo Wai walled village and Tang Chung Ling Ancestral Hall in Fanling , were declared as monuments in 1997 .