
  1. 碾成粉的角可以用于中药,而眼睛和尾巴有时则用于巫术。

    The ground up horn is used in traditional Chinese medicine , while the eyes and the tail are sometimes used in witchcraft .

  2. Washburn动态渗透压力法测量粉体接触角

    Measurement of Contact Angles of Solid Powder by Washburn Osmotic Pressure Method

  3. 高精度粉体安息角测定仪的设计

    Design of High Precision Measuring Apparatus for Stopping Angle of Powder

  4. 粉体接触角的测定方法

    Determination to the Contact Angle of the Small Particles

  5. 粉体休止角α对散剂混合工艺指导作用的探讨

    Evaluation of Directive Functions of Angle of Repose (α) on Mixing Process of Medicinal Powder

  6. 粉体接触角法快速测定长江口沉积物的表面自由焓变

    Measuring Surface Free Enthalpy Change of Sediment of Chang Jiang River with Contact Angle Method

  7. 薄板毛细渗透法测定粉体接触角和表面能成分

    Determination of Contract Angle and Surface Free Energy Components of the Small Particles by Thin-Layer Wicking Technique

  8. 粉体接触角的测定有着十分重要的理论和实际应用意义。

    The measurement of powder contact angle offers an essential significance both in terms of theory and practice .

  9. 本文阐述了粉体休止角α的概念和特点,3种混合方式的机理和特点;

    The concept and characteristics of angle repose (α) and the mechanism and features of mixing mode of powder have been expounded .

  10. 结论旅客列车鼠情调查方法,门边布粉比四角布粉更加方便、实用,阳性率高,值得推广。

    Conclusion Compared with the lime placement at the four angles of a passenger train compartment , the placement of lime beside doors is convenient , practical , and has higher positive rate , thus deserving popularizing .

  11. 矿石的岩石类型有:生物灰岩、粉砂岩、断层角砾岩、泥岩等。

    Ore-bearing rocks are mainly biogenic limestone , siltstone , and fault breccia .

  12. 褐点粉灯蛾核型多角体病毒的初步研究&组织病理观察与病毒的鉴定

    A preliminary study on an arctiid ( alphaea phasma ) nuclear polyhedrosis virus & observations on the infected tissues and identification of the virus

  13. 结果表明:三类物质对硅酸盐类水泥都有良好的助磨作用,能够显著降低水泥细度,减小粉料的休止角,改善物料的流动性。

    The results show that the additives A , B , C have a remarkable effect on increasing fineness of cement , decreasing the angle of repose of power and improving flowability of materials , which may increase grinding efficiency .