
  1. 此外,力拓还表示,它将在Argyle钻石矿裁撤岗位,削减成本。Argyle因出产稀有的粉钻闻名。

    Rio Tinto meanwhile said it will trim jobs and cut costs at its Argyle mine , famed for its rare pink diamonds .

  2. 这颗罕见的粉钻是在南非开采得来的。

    The rare pink diamond was mined in South Africa .

  3. 这颗圆角长方形阶梯型粉钻重达24.78克拉。

    A pink round-cornered rectangular step-cut diamond weighing 24.78 carats .

  4. 买家劳伦斯·格拉芙将其重新命名为“格拉芙粉钻”。

    Laurence Graff renamed it " The Graff Pink . "

  5. 那个粉钻,先进行这行动。

    The pink . well , you 're part of this operation now .

  6. 而此前一天,一颗15.38克拉的粉钻刚刚创下3160万美元的纪录。

    That sale came a day after a 15.38-carat pink cut diamond fetched a record price of $ 31.6 million .

  7. 这颗钻石被作为一条项链的吊坠,在巨钻上方还悬吊着一枚橄榄形粉钻。

    The diamond is part of a pendant necklace that includes a marquise-cut purplish pink diamond suspended above the briolette .

  8. 该拍卖行称其在2000年曾上拍一颗12.49克拉的紫粉钻原石,但没能成交。

    In 2000 , it put a purple-pink rough 12.49-carat diamond up for auction , but it failed to sell , according to Sotheby 's.

  9. 这颗长方形浓彩粉钻重达14.23克拉,是稀世罕见的粉钻,被一名匿名买家买走。

    A rectangular-cut fancy intense pink diamond ring weighing 14.23 carats , which is very rare for pink diamonds . The piece was purchased by an anonymous buyer .

  10. 枕形鲜彩蓝钻石,重达6.01克拉,左右两侧各有一颗椭圆形粉钻镶嵌在铂金之上,重量分别为0.46和0.44克拉。

    A cushion-shaped fancy vivid blue diamond weighing 6.01 carats , flanked on each side by an oval pink diamond weighing 0.46 and 0.44 carat respectively , mounted in platinum .

  11. 根据佳士得拍卖行网页的资料称,与其他的彩钻不同,粉钻的颜色据说来源于地壳运动时钻石暴露在巨大的热量和压力之下而形成的。

    According to Christie 's website , unlike many other colored diamonds , the color in pink diamonds comes from the diamond 's exposure to heat and pressure during transportation into the earth 's crust .