
  • 网络National Laboratory Accreditation;CNAS;CNACL;CNAL
  1. 通过中国国家实验室认可的实验室的测试水平高于未通过中国国家实验室认可的实验室。

    The test level of the laboratories accredited by CNAS is much higher than that of the laboratories not accredited by CNAS .

  2. 可在认可的范围内使用CNAS国家实验室认可标志和ILAC国际互认联合标志;

    Can be recognized using CNAS within the National Laboratory Accreditation logo and the ILAC mark of international recognition of joint ;

  3. 凡正式通过国家实验室认可(CNAL)的实验室都可以对外开展检测和校准工作。

    Those laboratories officially recognized by China National Accreditation Board for Laboratories ( CNAL ) can undertake the work of measurement and calibration .

  4. 实施国家实验室认可实现环境监测站持续发展

    Implement National Laboratory Accreditation for Sustainable Development of Environmental Monitoring Station

  5. 国家实验室认可对实验室管理的启示

    Enlightenment after National Laboratory Accreditation

  6. 我将不确定度分析运用于以上几种仪器分析中,已经在实际工作中发挥了减少误差,提高分析结果准确性的作用,这同时也是国家实验室认可工作中的重要工作。

    I have made this work with the above instruments , which has decreased the error with the analyst and ensured the accuracy , it is the important work with the national laboratory accreditation .