
  • 网络International Antarctic Centre;International Antarctic Center;International Antarctica Center
  1. 照片上,刚刚穿上新鞋的小企鹅“埃尔维斯”是现居住新西兰克赖斯特彻奇“国际南极中心”18只企鹅中的一只。

    The newly shod bird , seen here , is one of18 " second chance " little penguins now living at the International Antarctic Centre in Christchurch , New Zealand .

  2. 对此,“国际南极中心”的工作人员展开了一系列的治疗工作,其中包括盐水足疗、涂抹药膏以及为企鹅设计鞋子等。

    So the center 's staff began a rigorous treatment regime , including saltwater foot baths , ointment applications , and fashion footwear design .

  3. “埃尔维斯”和伙伴们是今年9月份到达克赖斯特彻奇“国际南极中心”的。来这里后不久,其中的一些企鹅便患上了“脚病”,并可能因此引发感染。

    But not long after their September arrival in Christchurch , a few penguins started to develop calluses on their feet that could have led to infections .