
  • 网络Metro Harbor;Open Port;The International Hub of Mid-West America;International Harbour
  1. 明年,施工方将在这个人工巨坑里灌满水,完成一座国际港的一期工程。这个港口将服务于往来于东亚和中东之间的运油船。

    Next year , project managers will fill this man-made crater with water , creating the first phase of an international harbour that will service the passing ships of the oil trade between east Asia and the Middle East .

  2. 绿色国际港:锐意改革扩大开放

    The International Green Port : Aggressive reform further open policy

  3. 蓬勃发展的绿色国际港

    Vigorous Development of the International Green Port

  4. 那时,我们将货物航班,接下来开放我们的国际港和国内港来直接海上运输。

    And then , we 'll work on cargo flights , and then on the opening of our international harbor or domestic harbor for direct sea transportation .

  5. 基隆港三面环山,一面临海,是台湾三大国际港之一。

    Keelung Harbor , one of the three largest international harbors in Taiwan , is surrounded on three sides by mountains and faces the open sea on the fourth side .

  6. 第四章:运用SWOT分析方法,概括了福州国际航空港有限公司所面临的机遇和威胁以及竞争的优势和劣势。

    Chapter Four : Using SWOT method , summarize the opportunity and competition that Fuzhou International Airport Co. , Ltd faces , as well as its advantage and disadvantage .

  7. 深圳机场配套国际客运港空间布局

    Space Layout of the International Passenger Terminal Affiliated to Shenzhen Airport

  8. 天空港国际航空港:拥挤,地形复杂……

    Sky Harbor International Airport : crowded , confusingly laid out ...

  9. 公共建筑公共照明系统的节能设计探讨&广西玉林国际中药港公共照明系统设计总结

    Discussion about energy efficiency design of public lighting system of public buildings

  10. 国际枢纽港投资发展趋势研究

    Research on the investment development trend of international pivotal ports

  11. 青岛国际商务港水源热泵工程设计与应用

    Design and Application of Water Source Heat Pump in Qingdao International Business Port

  12. 北京首都机场是全国规模最大、运输最繁忙的国际航空港。

    Beijing Capital Airport is the largest and busiest international airport of China .

  13. 广州国际枢纽港和相应航道建设问题

    Problems of the Construction of Guangzhou International Junction Habour and Its Navigation Channels

  14. 大都市区公共游憩空间的建构与解构北京首都国际航空港

    Construction and Deconstruction of Public Recreational Space in Metropolitan Area Beijing Capital Airport

  15. 海阔才能天空&厦门国际航空港集团对外投融资的思考

    Financing and Investment of Xiamen International Airport

  16. 我想起来了,我的故事是从国际航空港脚下开始的……但不会在这里结束。

    I remembered beginning the loop around Sky Harbor International ... but not ending it .

  17. 针对实施沿海贸易权政策的另一项举措便是指定了25个港口作为国际枢纽港。

    Another initiative aimed at implementing the cabotage policy is the designation of25 ports as international hubs .

  18. 本文是投资广东国际体育港项目的商业计划书。

    This business plan is mainly analyzes the investment of the GUANGDONG INTERNATIONAL SPORTS HARBOR ( GDISH ) .

  19. 在上述分析的基础上,进行福州国际航空港有限公司战略定位,明确提出适合现阶段福州机场的竞争战略。

    Based on the above analysis , clearly define the present competition strategy most suitable for Fuzhou International Airport Co.

  20. 大型国际航空港,在推动地区经济的发展中起着重要的作用,航空港近邻地区正在成为区域开发中最活跃的地区和经济发展的增长极。

    Airport nearby area is becoming the most active region and growth pole of economical development in regional exploitation .

  21. 第五章是厦门国际航空港集团推行内部竞争上岗的一个案例分析。

    Chapter 5 : a case analysis for bringing competition into post promotion in Xiamen International Airport Group Co. , Ltd.

  22. 国际航空港近邻区域发展分析与借鉴

    Analysis and Experience of International Airport Peripheral Area Development Model : Discussing the development of Beijing International Airport nearby area

  23. 图们江地区国际信息港建设与延边地区经济的跨越式发展

    The Construction of an International Information Port in the Tumen River Area and Yanbian 's Economic Development by Leaps and Bounds

  24. 宁波建设上海航运中心南翼国际枢纽港的定位与模式选择

    A Discussion on Orientation and Pattern to Construct Ningbo Port an ITH as a Twin Port of Shanghai International Shipping Centers

  25. 以厦门国际航空港空运货站为例,说明大空间建筑的消防问题。

    This article ′ s author takes xiamen international airport air cargo transport station as an example to explain the fireproofing problem .

  26. 郑州国际陆港开发建设公司副总裁杨文军表示,服务质量反馈非常好。

    Yang Wenjun , vice general manager of Zhengzhou International Hub Development and Construction Company says the service has been well received .

  27. 现代化的港口首先应实现港口信息化,因此,建立数字大连港是大连港成为国际物流港的基础。

    Modernized port must first realize informationization , thus , what makes Dalian Port become International Freight Port is developing Digital Dalian Port .

  28. 最后,对昆明国际陆港涵盖的五大物流基地建设次序问题进行研究。

    Finally , the order of issues of five major logistics bases covered by the international land port in Kunming has been studied .

  29. 宁波市旅游局相关负责人表示,这次法国“钻石”号邮轮靠泊,是宁波港域由货物运输港向国际旅游港过渡的第一步。

    A principal from Ningbo Tourist Administration expresses that LE DIAMANT 's berthing is the first step of Ningbo Port transition to international tourist port .

  30. 紧接着从国际陆港的功能定位和发展模式两个方面对国际陆港的规划进行了研究,并应用模糊均值聚类法对陆港的选址进行了研究。

    Then studied international land port from the its function and development models , and studied the location of land using fuzzy means clustering method .