
xiá qū
  • area under one's jurisdiction
辖区 [xiá qū]
  • [area under ones jurisdiction] 所管辖的地区

辖区[xiá qū]
  1. 大多数辖区都会选出12名陪审员和2名候补陪审员。

    In most jurisdictions , twelve jurors and two alternates are chosen

  2. 谢天谢地,他们再也不在我的辖区里了。

    Thank God they 're not on my manor any more .

  3. 警察局局长对侵入其辖区的行为深恶痛绝。

    The Chief Constable deeply resented any intrusions into his manor

  4. 这个治安辖区严重缺乏巡逻车辆。

    There is a chronic shortage of patrol cars in this police district .

  5. 各地警察局局长应当重树其维护辖区安定的执法者形象。

    Local police chiefs should re-emerge as figures of authority and reassurance in their areas

  6. 它几乎不在该派出所的辖区之内。

    It hardly falls within the area under the police station 's jurisdiction .

  7. 特权的法律渊源因管辖区的不同而异。

    The legal source of the privilege waries from jurisdiction to jurisdiction .

  8. 县级以上地方人民政府环境保护行政主管部门,对本辖区的环境保护工作实施统一监督管理。

    The competent departments of environmental protection administration of the local people 's governments at or above the county level shall conduct unified supervision and management of the environmental protection work within areas under their jurisdiction .

  9. 清仓义卖会是一种不定期举行的出售私人旧物的非正式活动,卖主不需要持有营业执照或缴纳营业税(不过,在某些行政辖区,需要出示售卖许可证)。

    Rummage sale is an informal , irregularly scheduled event for the sale of used goods by private individuals , in which sellers are not required to obtain business licenses3 or collect sales tax ( though , in some jurisdictions4 , a permit may be required ) .

  10. 但是尽管如此,当地辖区的警察还是以窝赃的罪名起诉了查克几天后,一个青少年犯罪法官起诉了11岁的提姆作为窝赃的从犯然后他被判三年的缓刑因为背负缓刑的罪名

    But anyway , the cops down at the precinct charged Chuck with receiving stolen property . And then a juvenile judge , a few days later , charged Tim , age 11 , with accessory to receiving a stolen property and then he was placed on three years of probation . With this probation sentence hanging over his head ,

  11. 汇率波动与FDI区位分布&基于辖区间财政竞争视角的研究

    Exchange Rate Fluctuation and Regional Distribution of FDI : From the Perspective of Local Fiscal Competition

  12. 中央银行地区分行辖区划分的合理性&基于结构性VAR的中美比较研究

    On Rationality of Regional Partitions of Central Banking System : A Sino-US Comparison Based on Structural VAR

  13. FRD辖区及RF右析取语言

    FRD__domains and RF__right Disjunctive Languages

  14. 请参阅可能适用于您所在辖区的《UPS费率和服务指南》或类似指南或费率文件获得详细信息。

    Please see the UPS Rate and Service Guide or similar guides or rate documents as may be applicable in your jurisdiction for details .

  15. 辖区概况总体显示辖区情况,以3D地图直观地显示辖区内楼宇分布情况,并提供常用操作链接,以及企业租赁期间将至的预警。

    The area of jurisdiction to the overall display , 3D map display area of building distribution , and provides a common operation link , and early warning is approaching enterprise leasing period .

  16. 利用调查研究的数据,求得武汉辖区VTS各等级的评价值。

    Then use the research data of Wuhan administer area , and get the evaluate value of each level .

  17. 首先将数学中的模糊聚类分析和交通小区划分相结合,用模糊聚类分析法对同一地级市辖区内各县区进行聚类合并,以期减少OD调查中交通小区的总数量,减少工作量。

    The traffic zone division combine with fuzzy clustering analysis method will reduce the number of the traffic zones , greatly reducing the workload .

  18. 方法:选择辖区内153例资料完整的入幼儿园和入学前的3岁~7岁儿童进行结核菌素(PPD)试验。

    Methods Select the 153 preschool children aged 3 to 7 , whose data were full , to execute PPD Test .

  19. 采用该方法,基于机组实测无补偿相位特性,对南方电网辖区多台机组PSS参数进行了校核与整定,验证了方法的有效性。

    The PSS parameters of some units in Southern China Power Grid are checked and tuned by the proposed method , which verifies its effectiveness .

  20. 采用DEA方法,对佛山辖区等珠江三角洲地区农业科技进步效果进行横向(同一年份不同地区)和纵向(同一地区不同年份)分析评价。该方法可以直接反映科技投入对产出的影响。

    The effects of agricultural science and technology progress were evaluated by DEA Compared with the traditional evaluation methods , DEA has a distinctive superiority and can reflect the benefit of agricultural science and technology input directly .

  21. 用燃烧氧化-非色散红外吸收法测定了杭州市辖区内的地表水、污水处理厂排水和不同行业工业废水中的总有机碳(TOC)。

    The total organic carbon ( TOC ) in surface water , sewage effluent and different kinds of industrial wastewater of Hangzhou , was determined by nondispersive infrared absorption spectrometry with combustion oxidation .

  22. 方法采用统一个案调查表,对辖区内1995-2005年的乙脑疫情报告病例进行调查:通过microsoftexcel建立病例数据库,运用描述流行病学方法对病例进行分析。

    Methods The uniformed individual case questionnaires were adopted to investigate the cases with encephalitis B reported in Zibo City from 1995 to 2005 . The case database was established by Microsoft Excel , and descriptive epidemiological methods were used to analyze the cases .

  23. 发言人劳尔埃尔南德斯(raulhernandez)表示,这一新的事件是“中国在我方辖区进行持续侵入和非法活动的一部分。”

    Raul Hernandez , the spokesman , said the new incident was " part of the continued intrusion and illegal activities being done by China in our area . "

  24. 方法以辖区内各县区CDC填报全省统一报表为数据来源,对汕头市CDC健康教育专业人员构成、设备、经费等情况对照现有的有关部省级相关要求进行研究与分析。

    Methods Unified report forms from the individual districts and counties as data resource , research and analysis were conducted on the composition of professionals , equipment , fund with the requirement of the ministries and provinces as control .

  25. Meno是叙利亚的东正教堂的东方美国大教堂之辖区的一般秘书,他拥有碎片。

    Meno is general secretary of the Eastern United States archdiocese of the Syrian Orthodox Church , which owns the fragment .

  26. 要使兴建的VTS适应武汉辖区的特点,必须建立在海损事武汉理工大学硕十学位论文故分析的基础上,也只有通过海事分析,才能找到评价VTS最合适的指标。

    In order to make the VTS adapt to the situation of the Wuhan administer area , we must take the analysis of maritime accidents , and this is the only way to find out the proper factors that is used to grade the VTS .

  27. 鸠山由纪夫公开承认,普天间(Futenma)空军基地的大部分功能都将留在冲绳县辖区。这将缓解日美双方自去年以来的紧张关系,当时日本宣布重新考虑久拖不决的基地搬迁计划。

    Public acceptance by Yukio Hatoyama that most of the functions of the Futenma marine air base will remain on the island prefecture will ease bilateral tensions raised by last year 's announcement of a rethink of a long-standing relocation plan .

  28. 方法采用随机抽样方法对辖区内医疗机构进行流行病学调查。

    Methods Hospitals were selected and studied with random sampling method .

  29. 秦汉时期,大连地区属辽东郡辖区。

    Qin and Han dynasties , Dalian jurisdiction of Liaodong county .

  30. 岩溶地貌发育典型,辖区内洞穴、石峰数以千计。

    Karst topography typical development , area cave , Zhang thousands .