
  • 网络dungun;LWB;Grand Buffet
  1. 龙运系列的新亮相已取得成功的主要原因lw40模式。

    The LW series is new and its debut has been a success largely due to the LW40 model .

  2. 龙运巴士有限公司(龙运)自一九九七年六月起在北大屿山及新机场经营。

    The Long Win Bus Company Limited ( LW ) commenced bus operations for North Lantau and the new airport in June 1997 .

  3. 马来西亚龙运铁山&这本是一个丛林茂密的悬崖,马来语名字的意思是铁山,巨型矿山设备已经清除了这里的棕榈树和其他植物。

    BUKIT BESI , Malaysia & Giant mining equipment has stripped away the palm trees and other vegetation from a jungle bluff here with a Malay name that translates to Iron Hill .

  4. 龙运铁山是一名日本地质学家1916年在马来西亚半岛东部的丛林中发现的,曾经是世界上最大的矿山之一,二战期间曾为日本钢铁业提供原材料。

    Discovered in the jungles of eastern Peninsular Malaysia in 1916 by a Japanese geologist , Bukit Besi became one of the world 's largest mines as it supplied the Japanese steel industry through World War II .

  5. 由于铁矿石的需求有所下降,龙运铁山等铁矿保持运转的方法之一是深入挖掘含铁量最丰富的部分矿藏,而不是比较均匀地开发它们,劣质矿和优质矿一起挖掘。

    As iron ore demand has fallen , mines like the one here in Bukit Besi have kept running partly by digging deep into the most iron-rich part of their seams , instead of developing them more evenly , mining the poor-quality ore with the good .

  6. 马来西亚龙运铁山——这本是一个丛林茂密的悬崖,马来语名字的意思是“铁山”,巨型矿山设备已经清除了这里的棕榈树和其他植物。巨大的挖土机挖开了紫红色粘土构成的悬崖,从底下掏出亮黑色的铁矿石。

    BUKIT BESI , Malaysia - Giant mining equipment has stripped away the palm trees and other vegetation from a jungle bluff here with a Malay name that translates to " Iron Hill . " Huge power shovels gouge long furrows down cliffs of fuchsia clay , scooping out the shiny black iron ore at their base .