
  1. 到了星期五和斋戒日、尤其是大斋期时,这个菜式非常受欢迎。

    It was a favourite meal on Fridays and fast days , particularly during Lent .

  2. 早期的基督徒在大斋节的第四个星期日节日庆祝母亲节来纪念荣Mary(基督的母亲)。

    The early Christians celebrated the Mother 's festival on the fourth Sunday of Lent to honor Mary , the mother of Christ .

  3. 奇怪的是,它是在大斋节(Lent)期间酿造的&大斋节期间禁食,只允许饮用液体。

    Oddly , it was brewed during Lent , when fasting allowed only the consumption of liquids .

  4. 果酱甜甜圈(Jelly-filleddoughnuts)原产于德国,是一种在欢庆新年除夕与大斋节(Lent)前狂欢时吃的传统甜点(译注:大斋节,自圣灰星期天开始至复活节前的40天,在此期间进行斋戒和忏悔)。

    Jelly-filled doughnuts ( with no doughnut hole ) originated in Germany , where they were traditionally eaten to celebrate New Year 's Eve and the carnival days before Lent ( Rose Monday and Shrove Tuesday ) .

  5. “天妇罗”(tempura)起源于葡语中“temporas”(意为“大斋节”)一词。这样便很容易理解了,每周五,天主教徒会吃鱼。许是因为食物一经油炸便更加美味,后来天主教徒就将鱼炸制后食用。

    The word " tempura " is actually thought to have derived from the Portuguese word " temporas " which means " Lent . " This makes sense , as the Catholic population would eat fish on Fridays and eventually decided to fry it - possibly because everything tastes better when it 's fried .

  6. 孩子们许诺大斋节时不吃糖果。

    The children have promised to give up sweets for lent .

  7. 大斋期结束之后,野驴作为鬣狗食物的比例又大大降低。

    And donkey meals decreased again after the end of Lent .

  8. 这是希腊东正教大斋期的第一天。

    This is the first day of the Greek Orthodox Great Lent .

  9. 今天是教会大斋节四十天的开始。

    Today marks the beginning of the church 's forty-day season of Lent .

  10. 大斋节期间,这个比例增加了一倍以上。

    During Lent , the number more than doubled .

  11. 我是狂欢节,我在大斋期前到来。

    I 'm Carnival and I occur right before the season of Lent .

  12. 在信奉天主教的国家里,人们要在大斋期间绝食。

    In Catholic countries , people fast during lent .

  13. 我为大斋节戒了啤酒,而这威士忌可是毁了我!

    I gave up beer for Lent and this whisky is killing me !

  14. 圣灰星期三(大斋首日)石灰乳制备系统中三种石灰硝化装置的应用

    Application of Three Types of Lime Nitrification Device in the Lime-milk Preparation System

  15. 在大斋节,让我们得自由,但我们也必须有责任感。

    In Lent , let us be free , but let us be responsible .

  16. 请使用这些材料,他们能朔造及深化您今年的大斋节的心灵旅程。

    Please use these materials to shape and deepen your Lenten journey this year .

  17. 通过神的恩典,大斋节的操练能带来基督形象的成长。

    Through God 's grace , the Lenten disciplines can bring about growth in Christ-likeness .

  18. 我希望,上帝会给予我们大斋节的喜悦和自由。

    I hope that God will grant all of us a Lent of joy and freedom .

  19. 在大斋节之前,鬣狗粪便中约15%的皮毛来自野驴。

    Before Lent , about 15 percent of hair in hyena scat samples came from hunted donkeys .

  20. 从传统意义上来讲,人们将会在这天开始进行为期40天的大斋,并只食用简单的食物。

    On Ash Wednesday , people traditionally start fasting for 40 days , eating only simple food .

  21. 全球许多基督徒都庆祝圣灰星期三,这天也是大斋日的首日。

    Many Christians around the world celebrate Ash Wednesday , which marks the first day of Lent .

  22. 这也是复活节前第七个星期三之前(大斋节的开始)要庆祝的宗教节日。

    This is a religious holiday on the day before Ash Wednesday , the start of Lent .

  23. 那些饮食失调的人不要在大斋节期间时禁食,而是要改正对食物不健康的态度。

    Those with eating disorders should fast not from food during Lent , but from unhealthy attitudes about food .

  24. 因此,让我们避免任何想法认为炉灰和大斋节是一个属灵成熟的方程式。

    Therefore , let us avoid any thought that ashes and Lenten disciplines are sure formulas for spiritual maturation .

  25. 在大斋日的40天中,人们将会受斋,只能食用简单的食物。

    During the 40 days of Lent , people used to fast and eat only the simplest of food .

  26. 大斋节前就让他们成婚。到了冬天我哪一天都可能染上肺炎,可我还想给他们举办婚礼喜宴呢。

    Marry them before Lent ; I may catch pneumonia any winter now , and I want to give the wedding-breakfast .

  27. 许多基督徒在大斋节期间会放弃食用肉类。不论你信与不信,这对鬣狗产生了间接的影响。

    Many Christians give up meat for Lent , a practice that indirectly affects ... hyenas , believe it or not .

  28. 第五世纪大斋节的神学重点是耶稣的受苦和死亡,而不是为信徒准备进行洗礼。

    The theological focus of the fifth-century Lent was the suffering and death of Jesus , rather than the preparation of converts for baptism .

  29. 而今天,在俄罗斯,几乎所有的好餐馆都会在大斋戒期间提供大斋戒菜单。

    Today , it is hard to find a good restaurant that does not offer a Lenten menu during the Lenten Fast in Russia .

  30. 巴塞尔是瑞士的一座文化古城,这里的狂欢节在每年的大斋日开始后的第一个星期一举行。

    Basel is a cultural city in Switzerland , where the carnival each year is held after the start of Lent on the first Monday .