
  • 网络Fried fish
  1. 转这附近有炸鱼土豆片卖吗?

    Any fish and chips shops about here ?

  2. 我想那样顺道尝尝炸鱼和土豆片也不错。

    I thought it would be nice to try fish and chips .

  3. 悠闲地喝着灰雁伏特加鸡尾酒,吃着纸卷迷你炸鱼和土豆片(你以为还有啥),卷福坐在沙发上和出演电影《鸟人》的爱德华诺顿进入深度聊天模式。

    Sipping Grey Goose vodka cocktails and eating mini fish and chips wrapped in paper ( what else !) , Cumberbatch took to the sofa to have a deep conversation with Birdman star Edward Norton .